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Just cut the piano!!
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
Beacon NY usa
Lately there seems to be a lot of anger even hate on the board. People talking in code as if they know some great secret the rest of us are too stupid to know. Who taught who to build saws/chains/ picnic tables/ or cook spare ribs DOES NOT MATTER! As long as the pupil does a good job and gives fair value for the dollar WHO CARES WHERE THEY LEARNED THEIR TRADE?! In the end a chainsaw is a tool, a tool to get work done, earn money, save money (getting your own firewood). If you want to, you can hop up your saw and see if it's faster than you neighbors hoppped up saw. At this level, no one will get rich or famous doing this, girls are not going to hurl their panties at you because you can make a Husky 350 out cut a stock Jonsered 2094 when timed though a broomhandle. Even at the top level of timbersports, fame is relative, these guys are famous within a relatively small community of peers and fans. The athletes could not compete at every event without some form of sponsorship. I don't see any baseball players having to borrow a truck from a sporting goods store (Bolstead/Baileys) I have moddified my muffler and am happy with the results, I will not be going into the muffler mod business becuase I am the only one my work has to please. With this said, I am eagerly looking forward to the next get-together what everbody else is doing and see if any of that might be fun to try on my stuff. Remeber guys, it's just a tool, lighten up.

You`ve made several good points, I hope that everyone will take time to consider them.

However on the other hand, I feel that if a guy charges other guys money to modify their saws and basks in the glory of being an assumed expert, he should try to be honest and objective. In other words, deliver what you promised to deliver when taking the money, and deliver it in a timely manner. And if along the way, a builder changes his opinion about something relavent to saw models, be man enough to admit that your opinion and knowledge/experience level has changed and don`t try to deny your previous statements by attacking those who remember what you`d said earlier. A guy can never tell when an e-mail bearing his name and other pertinent identifying info might show up which totally contradicts his current, possibly profit motivated, opinion.

Sedanman- I agree with some of your points, however I have seen you make several acrimonious posts, even towards "newbies" who are trying to glean information for the first time. Perhaps you could lead this wagon train by example?
Sedan...At this level not everyone will get rich or famous doing this butt the girls are going to hurl their panties at you and the fast are always fast.

Jokers, perhaps I misseed a few of the foundation posts of this controversy. A guy isn't allowed to ever be wrong? As I recall there was only one perfect man to ever walk the earth and we crucified him.

Jacob, I hope anyone who has been subject to my rancor was deserving of it. "Teacher" is imho, NOT a 'newbie' I have little tolerance for 'oldsaw addict' as well, he isn't old enough to advise others especially on saws he's never run. 'Bigsawman' is coming around but I had to chuckle when he 'knew better' than the dozen or so people that told him the bar was too long on 'his' er, his brothers saw. I will try to word my dissent lin a less caustic tone.

Robert, I never said fast wasn't fast, and let the panty hurling begin!
In the mid to late 60's the 426 Hemi started showing up in nitro dragsters. Racers were trying to tune it just like they had been on their 392 engines and the new 426 did not respond well. A lot of rqcers had dismissed the 426 as a viable engine for top fuel. When tuners started looking at what made the 392 and 426 different and treated them as different, the 426 was crowned THE KING of supercharged nitro drag racing, copies of the original are in every top fuel and funny car in NHRA nad IHRA. I don't remember who made the statement about a 7900 not responding to mods, but it was obviously wrong, but not without historical precident.
Sedanman; What has happened is that the tool you speak of has taken on a different form and become an ego transporter! Whole different set of rules! I may have been only slightly more subtle in expressing some of the same sentiments. Anyways, we cant have this site running like a Sunday school picnic, can we?
Originally posted by Crofter
Anyways, we cant have this site running like a Sunday school picnic, can we?

Will there be fried chicken???
Paul, nothing wrong with learning from someone else or changing procedures once one finds out he is wrong. The problem arrises when the person in question BS's to cover his mistakes and doesnt give credit to his teacher.
On a one-on-one basis, I can get along with just about anybody. I have friends that can't stand some of my other friends. I think that's kind of what is going on here. We have so many different personalities that someone has to rub someone else the wrong way. Let's get back to the pupil/teacher relationship for a moment. IF, and that's a big if, I were going to go into business doing woods modifications on chainsaws, I would have to learn from someone. With my newfound knowledge I would seek customers, confident that I could "wake up" their EPA strangled saws. Now, my teacher would be expected to be a master builder of woods saws and beyond, doesn't matter to my customers, they want to work with thier saws not race. If I rely on the customer to send me their saw to modify, I HAVE TO project an air of confidence that I can do what they need. If I constantly tell people that I am new at this and I learned all I know about from that guy over there, what is to stop them from bypassing me and going to my teacher? Not good for business, remember, we all have to eat. At some point I will have worked on enough saws to start experimenting beyond what the teacher told me, after all, isn't this how he got so good? Is ther one among who has not tried to cover up a mistake. Can you imaine the caliber of man it would take to to stand on a soap box on this forum and tell all of you/us that he/I was/am wrong? I am not that brave, if I mess up be prepared for a sh!t storm! And where is all the panty hurling I was promised?!
Paul, that was an excellent post. Well thought out. And yes, where are the panties promised by Rotax? Are we talking thongs or bloomers or what? Heck I'd even settle for the fried chicken.
I think what happened was that Gypo was visiting Rotax, the spirits were flowing and they flung their undershorts at each other. then as if nothing ever happened, stoked the fire and kept on drinking. And why wouldn't they?
that is fine , but as long as Gypo doesnot put any more pictures of him in his birthday suit on here , i am still laughing at Paul's wife when she turned the computer on and saw that.

now on the panties , myself i am more interested in the size of the panty size 6 to 12 would do just nicely
Ricky you have seen me, I am no light weight , i just like my women to be smaller than me so the bed can carry the weight
Gypo is up near ParrySound logging , that is where the big white pine he is cutting, he will be home on Friday night
Gypo's warming up for the September festivities:

Parry Sound Logging Days Festival
SEPTEMBER 24, 25, 26, 2004

This 6th annual event features a weekend long list of activities:

> Fiddling Night of Entertainment Featuring:
Shane Cook - Canadian National & U.S.
National Fiddling Champion.
Brian Pickell - guitars, banjo & mandolin
Tiffany Fewster - step-dancing bodhram
Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing
Show Time: 7pm
Ticket Price: $20./person

> Pancake Breakfast - St. Andrew's Church
Georgian Bay Timbersport Championships
- Market Square Park
featuring: Double Buck (Men & Women)
Swede Saw (Men & Women)
Underhand Chop (Men & Women)
Single Buck (Men & Women)
Double Buck (Jack & Jill)
Axe Throw
Spring Board Chop
Pole Climb
Chainsaw Events
Standing Block Chop
> Wood & craft Show/Sale - Market Square Park
> Children's Activities - Market Square Park
> James Street Activities
> Bean 'n Bun Lunch - Station Gallery
> Logger's Lunch & Bake Sale - Baptist Church
> 'Meet the Timbersport' Champions - Dinner &
Dance - St. Peter's Church

> Heritage Happenings - Museum
> Lime Light Theatre
> Marion Linton, Fiddling Workshop - Belvedere

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