A cruise ship sinks in the ocean, hundreds of people drown... three manage to survive and swim to an island.
Bill, Tom, and Susie are alone on this island for two years... just the three of them.
Now understand, Susie was raised to be a proper lady, it bothered her greatly what was happening between her and the two men.
It ate away at her for two years before she couldn’t stand it anymore… she committed suicide.
This was devastating for Bill and Tom… after two years they’d become accustom to having Susie, now it was just the two of them.
Still, life goes on, there are urges and needs; after all, they were alone on the island… who would know?
But it just wasn’t the same.
After three weeks of this new arrangement they were becoming ever more uncomfortable with what they were doin'.
Bill and Tom decided to sit down and have a talk, come to an agreement on how to handle the whole thing.
That night they built a nice fire on the beach, sat down and had a long talk.
After some open and honest dialog they finally came to a conclusion.
bury Susie.
What makes a joke good ain’t the foul language… it’s the delivery.
What makes a joke good ain’t the crass descriptivism… it’s how it’s delivered.
I’ve heard your joke before, it’s an old, old joke… and it was a lot funnier without the vulgarisms.
Usually, by lettin’ the imagination of the listener form a picture in the mind’s eye, it will be a lot funnier to the listener.
But hey… some people can tell ‘em, some can’t.
Just sayin’.