Remedy for poisen ivy?

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Read the label. I'm pretty sure it says to avoid contact with skin. There are other products out there that do the exact same thing without resulting in a chemical burn. To each his own.
Technu works for poison ivy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't pee on it! I get poison ivy soap (dawn is best) works fairly well but the best is "technu extreme" it even works the day after .....not quite as well however. you got to use something before the rash shows up or your kind of screwed. but technu will harden the rash and dry it up in a couple of days even if its visible already.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the reminder, that stuff is great! I just ordered 2 bottles Tecnu Poison Ivy Scrub from an online store 4oz for about 12 bucks each for an upcoming trip to Oregon and California, west coast seems to have the poison oak and east cost mostly ivy. Good thing to remember too is if you drag your gear in poison oak, ivy etc the oils will get on there and last forever and you can get infected the next time you run your rope over your arm etc.
"The oil from poison ivy is extremely stable and will stay potent - essentially forever. You can get a rash from clothing or tools that have the oil from last summer, or even from many years back."
Besides not getting it I mean...Was clearing under brush and dead wood..Got an arm full and wanted to know what other people use to heal it especially when you have to work and sweat...Thanks in advance..:blob2:
Jewelweed. Look it up. I get it bad and ill rub jewelweed on exposed skin before climbing tree with ivy all over it. Good for when you get it also. Drys it out the quickest in my experiece. Grows by water. Hold leaf under water and youll see where the name comes from.
Jewel weed or juba weed usually grows near it, cut the knots in the weed and rub the juice on it.

Glad to see someone else knows about jewel weed.

I have used the Technu stuff and couldn't tell that it helped any.

running it under the hottest water you can tolerate is the most amazing itch relief you will ever feel, and it takes the itch away for hours. I keep the steroid pills ointment on hand to make it go away fast. small spots get the ointment, bad news get the pills. try the hot water. you will thank me

Heat is the last thing you want with poison ivy, oak, or sumac. Heat opens your pores and allows more of the irritants in. If possible, wash the exposed area asap with cool water and good soap. Toss whatever clothes you were wearing in the washer.
This is the deal with Jewelweed/Touch-Me-Not (Impatiens capensis): you must rub it on Poison Ivy affected areas within 3 hours. Jewelweed neutralizes the Urushiol oil (a blister agent) that is in Poison Ivy. I've used JW successfully and had friends test it by rubbing both arms with PI and then rubbing one arm with JW- only one arm ended up with a rash. The most potent part of the plant (JW) is the base where it is red. I just pull the whole plant, crush it up, and rub it on whatever was exposed. Many times it grows near Poison Ivy, but JW likes wet areas where PI is found everywhere- as far as I can tell. If you get a PI rash, you need to find an astringent which will dry it out. When I was younger and not as wise, I used to pour bleach on it. It worked great, but bleach is really toxic, and whatever you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream. Oak or Sweet Fern can be used by making a tea and then bathing the affected areas. I usually just suffer through it however unless it is really bad.
I used to get it really bad until I realized to look for it before any job started. Now that I know where it is and still have to work in it and through it, I have found the Technu to be the best remedy/preventative. I've had PI so bad before that my hands blew up like a baseball glove and yes, the doctor gave me a shot of Prednazone and it cured it right away. Problem is you can't get that shot too often, the body builds an immunity. It's supposed to only be used in severe cases. The ideas in here regarding bleach, concrete dust, rubbing alchohol and other chemicals is just that. They're chemicals that aren't supposed to be used on open wounds. They're poisons. Used to often and you could develop problems.

Read the label of the Technu and you shouldn't have any problems. It can be used up to 8 hours after the exposure to the PI ad then it can still be used again if the PI rash occurs. Come home after a job and if there is even a chance the PI was present, slather it on, wait two minutes and then jump in the shower and wash off.
Dish soap works when first exposed. Once it's set in, not much works any better than time. You can put some anti itch cream on it for temp relief. Of you have open sores, maybe the above mentioned methods may be of benefit, but I just let it run its course. If you have it bad, you can get a script for pregnasone.
Besides not getting it I mean...Was clearing under brush and dead wood..Got an arm full and wanted to know what other people use to heal it especially when you have to work and sweat...Thanks in advance..:blob2:

Keep coming in contact with at least 3-5 times a year then after many years body becomes less susceptible to it.
Till then wash of area mediatly w/ cold water and use technu
Read the label. I'm pretty sure it says to avoid contact with skin. There are other products out there that do the exact same thing without resulting in a chemical burn. To each his own.

Washing arms with diesel, or gasoline will clean off the oil too. Not saying it's good for the skin but if you are in the woods, might not have the fancy stuff around.

I like to wash with something as soon as the job is over. It really does help. A few hours of skin irritation is better than three weeks of Poison ivy itching. At least in my opinion.......
I like to wash from shoulder down with a good shop hand cleaner like Gojo with pumice, something that has a little abrasive in it. From my experience it works just as good as Tecnu and its allot cheaper. The timing is very important.
Washing arms with diesel, or gasoline will clean off the oil too. Not saying it's good for the skin but if you are in the woods, might not have the fancy stuff around.

I like to wash with something as soon as the job is over. It really does help. A few hours of skin irritation is better than three weeks of Poison ivy itching. At least in my opinion.......

I'm having trouble understanding how oil removes the poison ivy oil?

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