Remember Your First Limbwalk?

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Here is the other angle where you can really see my horizontal strategy.

I appologise for the darkness of the picture, but the shade still illustrates everything!
I remember knee knocking on a rainy day in a white oak with Rudy Perez laughing at me and yelling "So you want to be a tree climber".
Originally posted by BigJohn
Are you sure you all are talking limb walking or crotch climbing? Anyone gonna post a pic of this limb walking? Whats up the first pic with double tie in? Maybe sherrill should start selling balance beems for some to put in the back yards for practice.

The first picture was his first limbwalk. The first time most people get up high and go out on a limb it's clumsy.
Could you name "BigJohn" have something to do with your head being a little too big?

Originally posted by Gord
Not my first limbwalk, but i like these pics

I agree, nice pictures.
Originally posted by BigJohn
Are you sure you all are talking limb walking or crotch climbing? Anyone gonna post a pic of this limb walking? Whats up the first pic with double tie in? Maybe sherrill should start selling balance beems for some to put in the back yards for practice.

Okay, so I was double-tied in. Is there a rule that you can't double-tie in for balance? Being as this was my first attempt to walk out on a limb, and only the fourth time I've ever climbed, I'd say I was pretty resourceful. Last I heard your rope was not only a lifeline, but a tool as well.
I suppose I was a little harsh. I've been a bit cranky lately too much testostrone in the system due to lack of romance. Anyway I guess what is important is that your up there and makeing an effort to get out. Your right about the rope being a "tool". Over time you will learn not to depend on this too much for balance. It is a comfort to know it is there. Kinda like walking on the ground, you only need the ground that is under your feet the rest of the ground around you is for comfort of safety. Remove this ground and we would be more likely to lose our balance. When we can put this same thinking to use when limb walking we have better balance.
Big John,
Thanks for the new insight. I never thought of it that way. I trust my equipment about 95% of the time and that's a mental thing I'm working out. I know that one TIP will hold me fine, but two was a lot more comfy. I have a big White Oak in my front yard that I've been practicing in. I still need to work on using one rope for balance though.
Originally posted by kowens
i am so tired of hearing about ppe what good is that hard
hat going to do you if you screw up
i live in florida itss hot how am i going to clime andd not die with all this s**t
get real

I suppose you are the same person who htinks wearing your seat belt is nothing but a death trap. Much like I don't want your body pasted on my truck, I do not want to climb up and save your ass because you did not have a skid lid on.
I wear a hardhat and chap pants year round. If I can get used to it, so can you. Hydrate my friend!