The pics I've seen of the PL-6's didn't show the air box to saw case bolt on the PTO side.
The pics I've seen of the PL-6's didn't show the air box to saw case bolt on the PTO side.
Yea my PL7A had a primer bulb and some sort of backflow valve. I saved all the original stuff. I just blocked the inlet on the carb with a vacuum hose cap. I haven't seen any other ones with a primer bulb. The bulb itself was leaking and I think I used that hole to mount the nova chipDoes the PL7A have (or did it have) a primer?
Yea mine is missing i believe.The pics I've seen of the PL-6's didn't show the air box to saw case bolt on the PTO side.
Holy heck that's impressive! I have a bunch of Remington recoil assemblies that need rebuilding but I could never figure it out.I found the pawl assembly from the Mohawk, someone had messed with it but all the pieces were there.
View attachment 1250222
I was able to drill the rivets out and get it apart. That wire is the spring.
View attachment 1250223
I drilled out the other hole in the retainer so the screws could pass through, and shorted the spring pins that engage the flywheel and serve as the pivot points for the pawls. By shortening the spring pins, I was able to reuse the rivets to hold the assembly together.
View attachment 1250224
Back together and working good as new.
View attachment 1250225
The nut is indeed captive, not sure why they would do that because most folks (myself included) would not notice as they are loosening the nut and bending the base of the pawl unit rendering it non functional.