removals w/ out gaffs.....

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ArboristSite Operative
Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
right coast, florida
is there anyone out there not using
gaffs, even for removals????? i'm asking
this question because this past week i've
been on 5 estimates and they all want their
pine trees taken down. i've done some removals
w/ light rigging but these would require alot more.
i do not own spikes and have mainly been focusing
on caring for live oaks but a man's gotta eat:D
let me know boys......
If you can drop the trunk from the ground, I see no problem rigging out the top without gaffs. Couldn't imagine trying to block down a trunk without them though. Those Florida pines can have 40' or more of clear trunk without a limb to tie in over. Even with a false crotch setup, it can be difficult keeping your footing while blocking the trunk and pushing the chunks off. Good luck with it Spencer. You have my phone number if you need me for a day or two. Be safe! :angel:
Spencer, I am with Dan on this one. Up here the pine trees for the most part are only a few feet between whorls, so if you were to leave stubs you could usually go without tree spikes. However from what Brian says... it sounds like you will need to purchase spikes, or do as Dan says and use the loop runners as stirrups. Best of luck to you on them. Be sure to figure in that you will need to clean all your ropes after the job is done. Also your hands will be VERY sticky after you start going up in them and it gets pretty nasty. If you have any ascenders, pines are good to use them on due to their lack of siezing.
If you don't have enough profit in those jobs to afford a new set of spikes may I recommend you raise your prices... And if you ask real nice, maybe someone around here has an old set in the garage they'd be willing to part with.
God Bless,
Time is money! Why would anyone NOT use spurs on a pine removal? Like 165' said, the pines here in Fla. may only have 5 to 10 limbs,and the lowest one is way the hell up there. I just can't see it being very productive,unless you are climbing for YOU and you have all day to muck around.
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Originally posted by Toddppm
Awesome pics! I saved those. But where is your 2nd tie-in?
His lanyard is a double braid. Technically it's a rope within a rope. ;)
I've done hundreds of pines without gaffs-including a bunch that are 30' to the first limb. Bare spars are a LOT easier with gaffs. After the first whorl most are easily worked without them.:)
Sacry pictures. No hearing protection, no saftey glasses, single tie in, old tired climbing gear, camera man in range of falling top.
If you continue ignoring saftey rules that you are fully aware of, you will not be doing this work very long.
Your bad habits are already so ingrained, you don't even "saftey up" when there is someone with a camera, then you post those shots on a public forum. :confused:
I had not even thought about the possibility of a fine, I guess that could happen. Not very likely, but it could.

I was thinking that when(notice I didn't say if) you get hurt or killed on the job, your insurance company(if you bother with that kind of thing) might see the photos and claim you were complacent and they were not liable.

I would hope that my ribbing might get you to think about working in a more professional manner. It's no skin off my back if you hack, I'm just trying to nudge you in the right direction.
Hey, I did a lot of stuff 5 years ago that I wouldn't consider doing today. Perhaps if MP had stuck in a disclaimer or something.

Mike, go easy on us. Many of us 'old timers' have old habits we are changing, and lots of old pictures from before we knew better. If you want to beat up on someone, how's this pic from 12 years ago? Can you list everything I'm doing wrong? It might be a shorter list if you list what I'm doing right.... :rolleyes:
I wish they'd bring back those baseball cap style hardhats they were comfortable:p
A disclaimer would be a good idea for such pictures. Think of the people that don't know any better and might think that those are acceptable practices.

Also, I won't think thoughts like Mike did if the was a disclaimer.

The steelcore will cut with a chainsaw very quickly I've been told. I believe less than 2 seconds. Always wanted to try it to see for myself. If someone wants to donate a chain and steelcore I'll do it (on the ground) and post the pictures.
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