I'm kinda new to rope climbing the smart way. I've done many crazy, stupid things in the past to get the job done, so now I'm looking to do somethings safer.
I'm wondering after I get the length of rope in the tree, and I have it around a solid crotch of the tree, what kind of knot do I tie for a SRT. I'm thinking some kind of slip knot, but I'm not sure I'm 100% thrilled about my life being in a slip knot. lol 80' is a long way down.
Also, what is my redundancy for safety on the line. Do I use an ascender for my foot, and one for my weight, then a double or triple prussik for safety? or is the ascender for safety, and the prussik for my foot, and another ascender for my weight? lol I'm so confused. lol
I'm really not a HUGE fan of spurs, as I know I'm not doing it right, and will soon hurt myself if not instructed. So, I'm leaving that for a bit. lol
Thank you all very much, and God bless,