Rope Storage

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Climbing lines go in a small rectangular duffle bag (the kind with a U shaped zip top so you can open up and flake the line in.) The others are coiled and dropped in rubbermaid plastic tubs or coiled and laid in a tool box depending on which truck they go on.
was employed in ireland ,germany and uk with line clearance always self employed ,have you seen the calibre of the muppets employed by tilhill,fountains etc ,one day in mac donalds the next on a chainsaw/climbing course,bloody embarrasment to the tree industry ,crash and dash specialists,If your boss wont supply the ppe ,or even a short rope then buy your own ,it only takes a few mins to cut a long rope and seal ends ,you then have 2 perfectly good ropes,also working on ohl ,what happens if your audited and dont have all the correct ppe ? job stopped?
The first thing I noticed when we we started using bags was if you didn't need to use all the line, there was no need to recoil the whole rope. Much easier to bag half the rope, than to coil the whole rope if there was no need to.

The bags or in my case small backpacks that I like, are the ones with a drawstring to close it, with a flap over the top with a buckle to close it. The drawstring feature is nice because it helps to keep sawdust and small debris from falling into the bag when the string is drawn enough to let the rope run free. If we happen to get caught in a rain storm and a bagged rope has to ride in the back of an open truck, the flap over the top gives me some peace of mind that water isn't getting into the bag and soaking my rope. the pockets in front or on the side are also handy to carry spare cords or a few extra pieces of small gear.

I got fed up with supplying my own PPE & climbing kit especially when he said he would supply it.Had audits & certain safety points were picked up but where never acted on so i told him to stick his job for safety reasons.Which companies did you sub to doing the powerline work in the UK & Ireland?.

I think i will stick to a ropebag as that what is mostly used.
Lj timber @sheffield ,covering all yorks and humberside ,in Ireland ,Dermot caseys @cork,went to ireland to do utility clearance but ended up doing lots of domestic work ,better money ,better work ,not chasing the transformers was a change ,good money to be made if you get good lads round you ,,,
A very good reason which is another i told my boss to stick his job.He expected me to be out nearly all week so he can have his staff around him as he has no family life of his own.Also he told me its the job or family so now he is understaffed & having to get his hands dirty again.:D