beautiful rope,now get your arse up here.
picked up one just like with your name on of these small red oaks.
nice job though buddy![]()
Doesn't look so bad now that its all done ,eh rope.
What took you so long?
Just bustin ballz.
You did a good job and followed thru with it,safe ,and sound,,all that counts.
Glad it worked out for you .Looks like you made at least a few dollars,and some real good reference work is sure to come your way.All the advertising in the world can't buy that.
I had an absolutely disaster of a day that ended up with me making a whopping $40 after spending a half day looking for a large Italian
clay pot[ 22 in dia]
that broke because I tried to put in the extra effort to keep some dust out of the pool .I tied a tarp to the ficus in the pot,and another tree,and a slight breeze blew the pot over,,,looked a lot heavier.
All that for a $150-[minus $110 for the pot] trim job that took 45 minutes to complete,and 4 hrs messing with the stupid pot.I went to 5 places before I found the same pot.
Some days a pigeon,,some days a statue.
Oh well ,tomorrow's another day.
Nice job Rope, I enjoyed the pictures you showed us. Thanks for taking the time to share.
Yep we want to see em, Keeps the groundie busy anyway.Thanks for the replies I will take picks of the bad ones from now on.![]()
Yep we want to see em, Keeps the groundie busy anyway.
Great job and thread Rope!![]()
What did you do with the wood from that pine, i know you don't want it as firewwod. Do you burn it in a pile or carry it to a dump. Usually when i cut an unwanted tree i will just pile it up and burn it.
took ya long enough, Pops!
just kidding wayne, top shelf work my brother.
Give me the bucket, I would think it is a whole lot easier to do than climb.lolLol my climb bone is back, with nothing to climb for a little while. Oh well back to being a bucket baby lmao![]()
Give me the bucket, I would think it is a whole lot easier to do than
so you only had one groundman to help you with this? i only saw the one anyway. its hard to believe you spent several days on this tree. it looks very pricey, you should have hired more help to move things along. also it looks like you didnt rope any wood out, just chunked the whole thing off tiny pieces. imo, this tree could be done in about 4-5 hours with ~4-5 groundmen, 3/4" bullrope and the biggest block you can get your hands on. props though for having the balls to climb a sappy tree more than once. having to use the gojo more than once a week chaps me.
Doesn't any body ever read anymore I don't do big wood to the spar I am on because, I have no health ins or life. You are full of it if you think you would have done this tree in five hours with no crane. You would have had the 3 phaze on the house burning it down what a friggin blowhard.
I am going to say this once fast is not always best I have been in this business for many years without a claim. Going too fast causes more problems than anything I know of.
Doesn't any body ever read anymore I don't do big wood to the spar I am on because, I have no health ins or life. You are full of it if you think you would have done this tree in five hours with no crane. You would have had the 3 phaze on the house burning it down what a friggin blowhard.
I am going to say this once fast is not always best I have been in this business for many years without a claim. Going too fast causes more problems than anything I know of.
LOL, I was wondering how long it would be to you saw that reply about knocking that puppy down in 4-5 hours. I think you did a great job and worked at the pace YOU were comfortable with, and that's all that matters. I hate rigging big wood off the same stick myself and often do it just like you did, a slice at a time with no damage to anything when the rakes are put away!
Dont mind him rope - too many palm trees probably, lol. Everything looks easy on a pc.
If I had a good crew I would have probably layed plywood on the roof and lowered smaller chunks down, and made them cut em up.
The last part would of had to be wafered like you did.