Good Job Rope! Glad you got it under the roof line safely! Man what a wild storm yesterday evening! Bet the HO was even happier to have that tree gone. It was a Pleasure as always working with you Rope! I got your back long as it is after 5 and on the weekends..LOL. I have to admit rope is an old bastage, but he can do the work of a not so old one!

. Quality ! Fella's I have to admit that this tree was something special. We hashed around all the details of the job, how it could be done faster easier price, equipment...etc I beleive it was done the safest way possible. Heck I had to be careful chunking wood off the roof cause the 3 phase was right there. This job was either a Tree climbers Dream or Nightmare. Great Job rope! You know where to find me!!! Oh and to the NEWB. Well HE isnt the biggest guy in the world for a groundie, but I have to admit he is coachable and I caught him thinking a few times!!! KEEP IT UP AND ONE DAY YOU MAY BE CLIMBING. You have a good opportunity to work for a Knowledgable and patient Tree Climber. Later dudes. Off to the Grind!