My saw was a little cleaner than that one, but not much. A good blow out with compressed air, followed by Purple Power and a rag, did the trick.
Was this the saw out of KOP?
For sure I think it would be cheaper to manufacture the stickered version w/o the raised letters but also the silver w/black sticker would seem to be more eye catching than the less colorful raised letter one. With all that in mind it might have bee simply a model change from one year to the next. Just my thoughts.
about the 2 starters, i can tell you this.
left starter with Dolmar was used on the 152 and early 153(witout chainbrake)
right starter was on the 153 that had a chainbrake.
When the putt these starters on the saws i don't now for sure,so can't tell you.
You can use the 2 starters for the 152/153.
Great work Wayne - the big 166 idle is something unique. Congrats on a job well done.
I bought a Dolmar 111i today from a friend that is an arborist. I can not find any information on it. Any help would be appreciated. Tom