I had hear a story of a guy who was on a spar with just a lanyard on chunking out pieces. He was notching just cutting straight through and pushing them off. Well one piece ripped down the side and flipped him up and over the spar and he did summersaults to the ground. He was lucky and lived with some serious injuries. I still see people do things like this one guy in piticular but I never say anything to him only because he honestly one of the best climbers I know personaly, been to the ITCC. I don't feel it's my place to say anything. Maybe he knows something I don't but I don't ever take that chance. I will speak up when I see him do something I know for certain will result in injurie. Such as the time he place his line over the outside of the lowerline as he was chunking down wood above the pulley instead of behind the line.