Satisfied with 2171

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Tony Snyder

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 8, 2002
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East Central Illinois (Marshall)
I sold another 2171 mid week. The guy traded in a 510EVL Echo. He is thrilled with that 2171. He is clearing some hardwood up to about 18 inches for room to build a house. He was struggling with the 50cc saw for that application.

I cleaned up the 510 and ran it a little. Those orange Echos were real good running and rugged saws.

Another happy Jonsered customer.
If the guy was struggling with a 50cc saw to cut 18" trees, the problem lies with the operator. Not the saw. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I like more ccs for extra speed and a 20"-24" bar to cut down on stooping/bending but cutting a few 18" trees with a sharp 50cc saw ought to be easy. Of course if anyone would like to send me a 2171 to run comparison tests against my Jonsey 590 I'll happily accept. Shoot, I'd accept the Echo 510:D
It is possible to cut down an 18" hardwood with a 009 Stihl, but there is a big difference between what is possible and what is comfortable.

Actually he has several large trees, and a continueing need for a larger saw. He has a smaller saw to compliment it.

He could afford a 2171, so he bought a 2171.

Darn, I didn't mean to start a fight.
Hi Snydert,

I don't think anybody is fighting, just pointing out that a 50cc used properly shouldn't be struggling, just a little slower. I cut 25 cords of wood with 36cc P.O.S. poulan, and a 46cc P.O.S. I never felt like I was struggling, the bigger trees just took a while to buck up. If this guy didn't have any different saw reference to compare to then he was the problem not the saw. That being said, I didn't know any different until I got a 288xp to rip some lumber. Broke her in bucking up some big boys. Think it took longer to gas the saw then to block the cordwood. I run all Huskies now and things go much faster and easier. I guess what we are trying to say that a properly maintained saw with a properly maintained chain, used the right way should be able to handle that kind of job without a "struggle". No amount of cc's if applied improperly will help an inept operator. No fight, just thoughts!:)
yeah, what Newfie said!

No offense intended, Snydert. I agree with Newfie for the most part. I cut down trees almost every day. But if my biggest removal is only 18" at the stump then I sure don't feel like pulling out the 066 or even one of the two 046's on the truck. I'm real happy being able to run my 026 for 8-10 minutes to cut up the trunk. I'll even run it another 120 seconds and cut the brush off. Even with 3 larger saws on the truck, I don't see the need in pulling out a bigger saw for less than 15-20 minutes cutting.
There are other considerations besides cutting time, especially when cutting time is only a couple minutes difference between saws on a particular job. One is the possibility of hitting metal, and the time/cost difference of replacing or sharpening an 18" chain vs a 28" chain. I don't want to risk an additional $10-$15 difference on a chain to save 90 seconds cutting time. Besides, the 90 seconds is WAYY lost by the time an additional saw is gassed and warmed up.

I am not trying to sound 'anti-big saw', I love it when we get a decent size removal and my boss and I run the two 046's side by side for 30+ minutes and completely decimate a huge tree into 100 lb. toothpicks! It's just that those big horses are wasted on 18" trees, it's done before the saw is warmed up!
Hi Snydert,

Despite everything in my earlier post I forgot to mention that it sounds like you are enjoying selling saws again and making people happy. That's cool, I hope the warm fuzzies continue for ya!:)

I also hope your 2171 guy stays happy for you.
Tony, glad to hear that he likes his saw...I havent had anyone not like their 2171's...they are a great mid size saw..I love mine..granted none of mine are stock... I will be racing one this weekend in a stock appearing event...keep on sellin!
Dennis, is there a maximum cu. in. in the event you will be racing your saw in? If not how do you do against larger displacement saws? I'm sure pretty good, but I had to ask.:D
Yukon...there is a 5cube and under class I do I will race the stock appearing 2171....and should do pretty good with Uncle Arts wont know what hit them...there arent alot of modified saws there....they have never even seen an expansion I will be doing some demos with those as well...
John ya creep..that saw is filthy!! Take some pride in your equipment...shheesh...beat me with my own right...I watched you cut...I have it on video...i think I might get the ten grand from Americas funniest home videos...

Where's the event this weekend? And when is Deming and will you be there?

If you still have the Cman manual, could you keep it for me? I'll see you in July if not before.

We're residential logging some ugly, previously topped firs presently. Some 7-10 inch limb wood, nice knots for the scaler to admire!!! Got over 2000 bd feet in two of the best ones, one had an intact top and was 135 feet tall, only ~30 inches at base. But with the scalers and graders being so tight on export, plus max is $600 per 1000 and 36 foot average needed, cutting 16-26 footers and getting $500 for the best domestic grade is better, way more scale too. All are being climbed, chipped, stumps ground, some craned, so we're getting paid big bucks, with only a pittance (maybe 20-25%) back to the customers from the log buyer.


....bumponhead/rib/arm Rog
Rog...I didnt know I had the Cman manual...but I will look around for it....

Deming is this weekend...Robert and Bill will be there..i wont...I am in Valemount this weekend..then in Buckley WA. on the29th to race the Rotax...can you make it there??
Hey Dennis, it's not really dirt. When you cut Walnut it bleeds to a dark choclate brown, thus the muddy look. I think that 2171woodsaw by Dunn & Den will out cut a stock 066 or 385.