Saved my neighbor from a potential fall

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Brush Hog

ArboristSite Operative
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Drove by and saw a ladder leaning against tree with a limbs trimmed up to that point. He was trying to figure out how to top it with a pole pruner. I told him I'll climb it or drop it whole. He liked the idea of whole. Went back after lunch and wedged it over for him. He was very grateful and I said that I didn't want to see him get hurt. He then fired up his old homelite and bucked it up with his son.
Helping your neighbor avoid a bad situation is what makes you feel good and puts a smile on your face. Doing something as simple as this may have saved a visit to hospital or worse. Thanks for being a stand up guy.
I do it from time to time too, I just ask for some gas money and tell them what it would normally cost.

I just could not sleep if I heard someone I saw got hut bad or died.

I've had guys say hell-no then their wives change their mind for them. One of them gave me a fat tip afterwards "Pay him what it was worth Frank! He saved your but but good!"
Thanks for the kind words. I just go with the old saying " do onto other as you would want done to you". Old fashion yes but I think to many people have the me, me, I ,I attitude these days and I believe good things come back to you in different ways.
Thats awesome..

a great thing to do..

i dont have any stories like that...i dropped a couple of cottonwoods at my old high school (dbh 15-18'') not big...but when i went to visit a friend...and saw the groundsman trying to use a bow saw....

well you get the picture
I saved a few myself but sometimes I have been told "I know what the hell I'm doing" so then I just walk away as I say a small prayer for them.
Drove by and saw a ladder leaning against tree with a limbs trimmed up to that point. He was trying to figure out how to top it with a pole pruner. I told him I'll climb it or drop it whole. He liked the idea of whole. Went back after lunch and wedged it over for him. He was very grateful and I said that I didn't want to see him get hurt. He then fired up his old homelite and bucked it up with his son.

Good neighbors arent as plentiful as they were years ago. Good man!