A couple of points...
first, on the grand scales of things in the logging world, modded saws are an anomaly not main stream
Second we make a lot of claims as to why we should have them and also evangelize to others without real data to support the premise
For most of us...me included.. it doesn't matter because we will never put enough time on those saws to wear them out anyway.
Sub set of that argument is many of us have multiple saws. I ran into this when I was trying to test and quantify the value of some aftermarket parts.
I got my AM saws to run...did a job or two, then put them on the shelve and went to the next project! NOW I put them in the hands of a couple
of logging outfits and let them run them for a period of time.... a much better evaluation. I'm getting real feed back that makes sense now.
Who comes up with the numbers to justify the expense of these modifications? It doesn't matter to the typical enthusiast I understand...
Where is the endurance testing as the OEM's do to there products?
Just want to point that out. And eventually there will be the "Pro Circuit" of chainsaw mods out there and that will change the game.
For now....its enthusiasts who are supporting the chainsaw modification business. not the logging companies. And as I said earlier, some professionals are also enthusiasts....
Hopefully this thread will get folks to start trying to quantify and share their experiences by trying to argue the case for modified saws based on their time with those saws.... I'm looking to justify my hobby same as you. SO I argue against hoping more will argue for... with data. but when I put my business hat on and evaluate as I did with my excavation business years ago... they don't make sense. Not yet. Convince me I'm wrong please.

have to go for a while...
Other factors....liability, reliability, supportability.