scored another saw today

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Tree Freak
Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
western ky
I know it is a poulan but it looks almost new.i had placed an ad for non running saws yesterday and a guy called me today and said he had 1 and asked if i wanted it. Guess i got a good deal on it. Going to take it apart tomorrow and do a MM on it and tune it and it will make a good backup saw or i might throw it in my truck tool box.


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Funny that it even says, "pull back to reset" right on the brake lever. LOL
Not sure I could have taken it without explaining it to him but that's just me and, as the saying goes, "nice guys finish last".
not the kind of thing i would brag, i would have reset his CB and told him to have a Merry Christmas, and i would have had a nice ride with my wife to tell about!

i would have if it was a stihl or echo or something and if it was his only saw. But he had a couple of other ones and one of them was a new 1. he said if something doesn't work right or breaks then he throws it in the corner and buys another 1. So there. I am not a bad guy at all
Curious. I tuned up two Poulans for a friend who got them from a guy that does the same thing (tosses them in a corner and buys another one). Is it a Poulan thing?
i would have if it was a stihl or echo or something and if it was his only saw. But he had a couple of other ones and one of them was a new 1. he said if something doesn't work right or breaks then he throws it in the corner and buys another 1. So there. I am not a bad guy at all

nice rationalization.....moral relativism as it is called. a poor excuse for lack of decency. you could have shown him the problem and if he chose to still sell it to you for $20, then have at it.
Curious. I tuned up two Poulans for a friend who got them from a guy that does the same thing (tosses them in a corner and buys another one). Is it a Poulan thing?

poulans are the desposable saws, when they don't work right, toss them in the garbage and buy another 1:)
nice rationalization.....moral relativism as it is called. a poor excuse for lack of decency. you could have shown him the problem and if he chose to still sell it to you for $20, then have at it.

if my memory serves me correctly you aways find a way to bust my chops for some reason on every thread or post i make and i am tired of it. If you have the same attitude in person as you are on here then you need to get a life and stop being mad at the world. if it will help i will send you a 50 dollar bill and you can take that and go get laid. Maybe that will help your disposition a bit. You need to stop being so nasty towards people.
don't remember busting you on anything. you can't make a decent defense of your action so you attack me and play the victim, again. let me ask you, if you saw someone drop $20 on the ground, would you give it back or keep it bc they have obviously spent too much money on their clothing? how would you feel if a mechanic ripped you off bc you didn't know any better?? i'm not a hindu, but i do think what comes around goes around.
btw, would be interested in trading that saw for a cap gun?
not the kind of thing i would brag, i would have reset his CB and told him to have a Merry Christmas, and i would have had a nice ride with my wife to tell about!

The OP did nothing wrong...he didn't cheat, lie or use deception in any way. It's not his fault the seller/donator had crap for brains...Daddy can't go through life holding your hand all the time.
guess i was raised to help people, not to take advantage of them. i bought a saw a year or so ago that i was pretty sure had a tripped CB, but it required a tool or at least a big pair of pliars to reset. i made it clear that this was likely the problem. the seller told me to take the saw anyway. i did and was glad to do so, but i also didn't feel bad bc i had made the issue know to the seller. bargaining when buying is smart, but to blantantly take advantage of someone's ignorance is operating at a pretty low level.