Firewood cutter
Used to have an unpredictable bull until dad broke a 2x4 over his head. He didn't like anybody messing with his ladies and we had a hefer calve where she wasn't supposed to. Had to help her out and that sucker came at us so he got smacked right between the eyes with a cut off 2x4 piece. Took about 15 steps back and watched us cross eyed for a bit. He was fine from there on out but you never left your back to him.
I could see that making some animals better and some worse. I ruined a rooster like that once. Hopefully I don't have to go there- it'll be a 45 over a 2x4, I imagine, if I'm that close. I've been around some jacked up dairy bulls- he's not anywhere close to that. He just gets ornery-not hateful lol.