Just a Guy that cuts wood
ArboristSite Guru
Gives WOOD a whole new Meaningthey don't want you looking at firewood p .o.r.n.
Gives WOOD a whole new Meaningthey don't want you looking at firewood p .o.r.n.
Is that Poplar or Aspen?No deer here but some learners that I can cut
Mighty Mouse Logging LLC
BRAVO!Reggie, I just dug that pond this summer when it was dry. My son and grandson are beside it, it's about 40' across and dug in 3 stages so that hopefully there will always be at least some water in it. It is fed by field tile so doubt there will be any fish in it. I plan to get something to put in it though just to see if they live. I don't own the property but years ago my family did. My Dad dug the original pond maybe 40 or more years ago. Was dry as a bone this summer so I spent a weekend in there with my Kubota. I plan to have my deer stand near it, lots of deer and turkey have been visiting it already. And the racoons already have tons of paths to it. Going to transplant some crayfish and frogs from a local creek this spring for food.
Yes, and those are some of the leaniest leaning leaners I've never sawn.
Is that Poplar or Aspen?
The leaners are the ones I'm aloud to cut
That pic work ?
ditto, unless it's birch in a snowstorm, then YepCan't see that one, Dan.
Howdy guy's it's been a while, did I miss anything, seems I'm often a but late for the partyLearning how to count. Sorry.
Boom now! 1000 pages!!!
Those Amish kids got common sense unlike a lot of "schooled" kidsResourceful to say the least. Just keep kids away from those belts and pulleys!
Mine loosened up too, on the outer part of the rim. I was digging out an elm stump working it pretty hard. By the time I had noticed it slightly cracked my rimThe only time I had the wheels of my Kubota was to swap out the R4's with turf tires. Took them off again yesterday to install spacers so I can chain up the tires and was surprised to notice how loose the 4 bolts and 2 nuts were. One side I could tell there was movement between the wheel and the axle.
I can't believe it's as warm as it is here, a January thaw is not abnormal, but weeks of warm weather in January I've never seen beforeAbout the same weather here in Mid MI. Its sickening. Hell, I can hear rain hitting the aluminum roof right now. Jan 20th. Rain.
We have the some problem here with the warmer temps too.I didn't even try to go clean up any of the trees I have down today. We have been running ac during the day and heat at night. It's been a really weird January. Power bill shouldn't be too bad this month at least lol.
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Should have drug it closer, would have saved you a few stepswith all the wind we had earlier this week i had a branch come down in the yard from a silver maple. scrounge on. just some @zogger woodbut enough to heat the shop for an hour or so.
even used the battery power saw for this one. now i have to get it hauled the 50 feet or so to the shop.
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