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I'm gonna have to build a wood shed! My racks are getting full!
Nice score Eric! Great feeling when you need to build a wood shed cause you're racks are full of wood.
I'm gonna have to build a wood shed! My racks are getting full!
Nice score Eric! Great feeling when you need to build a wood shed cause you're racks are full of wood.
Yea Clint, he was one of those special ones, he had judgement, he was almost like an extension of you. And he came from the Humane Society, was classified as one of their bad boys! But there was never a child that dog did not like.
I knew he was special when I was walking him (he still was not ours) and I spotted 3 deer. I knelled down next to him and whispered to him to watch the deer. He sat down & watched them. When they moved, he got up and walked till he could see them again, then sat again. He knew I wanted to watch them. He did it 3 times. I already knew I liked him, but after that I begged my wife for us to get him.
I went back to get another load of free oak! I could barely pick up thes rounds to put on my trailer and ended up rolling them off to unload at home. I'm not 20 years old anymore but still think I am!View attachment 373163
Great score Axfarmer.
Happy it's raining today, yesterday I noodled most of the 30" maple I got from the neighbor last week.
I was sure glad I had help rolling them rounds onto the truck, wet rock maple.
I was so ****** it was an effort to bag the noodles, I use them for kindling, makes for a fast fire.
Twist up some news paper, cover with noodles and couple pine splits, instant fire. oops forgot the match.
Now I have to split all that heavy maple and stack it, then it canbe called firewood.
I sure do like your trailer, mine is only rated for 1000#, use it to haul the ATV, even if I had a big trailer,
I could never back it up, never could backup, I just grab it and honk it around, works for me.
FREDM. Oxford
Hope Zogger likes this. (![]()