Right, so having established that I am not suffering from Obsessive Scrounging Disorder, I figured it was safe to go scrounge.
Out to the farm. I figured I had better knock over and cut up a few dead standers for the Lady Farmer with that autumnal freshness starting to creep in in the mornings. Here was a nice straight blue gum without a lot of branches to muck around with.

After some encouragement, it fell over.

The nice straight trunk and thick grass made it easy to cut through here and there and roll the thing over in sections. Not sure why I bothered typing that.

One tank through Limby doesn't go so far in blue gum compared to peppermint. Last year a couple we know got roasted when they tried to refuel their ride-on mower and sloshed fuel over the hot motor so I always give the saw plenty of time to cool off before fueling up again. I can do without exploding petrol in the face. Might as well do some swingin to fill in time. Averaging 5x more hits than it takes to split peppermint means a very small pile while the saw cools.

A bit more cutting and a bit more splitting and this is where I ended up. When I'm giving the Lady Farmer wood I always make sure that it is both shorter and thinner as she only has a tiny little box that can't easily accommodate my normal 14-16 inch wood length.

I was running out of time as I had to get to work so I loaded up a pile of poles and crapwood for the bonfire in May.

Out to the farm. I figured I had better knock over and cut up a few dead standers for the Lady Farmer with that autumnal freshness starting to creep in in the mornings. Here was a nice straight blue gum without a lot of branches to muck around with.

After some encouragement, it fell over.

The nice straight trunk and thick grass made it easy to cut through here and there and roll the thing over in sections. Not sure why I bothered typing that.

One tank through Limby doesn't go so far in blue gum compared to peppermint. Last year a couple we know got roasted when they tried to refuel their ride-on mower and sloshed fuel over the hot motor so I always give the saw plenty of time to cool off before fueling up again. I can do without exploding petrol in the face. Might as well do some swingin to fill in time. Averaging 5x more hits than it takes to split peppermint means a very small pile while the saw cools.

A bit more cutting and a bit more splitting and this is where I ended up. When I'm giving the Lady Farmer wood I always make sure that it is both shorter and thinner as she only has a tiny little box that can't easily accommodate my normal 14-16 inch wood length.

I was running out of time as I had to get to work so I loaded up a pile of poles and crapwood for the bonfire in May.