My wife gets a call this week from an elderly couple that we've helped out a few times over the years , they had three small trees they wanted cut so I said sure .
Sunny today so over I go , the three grew to 12 but the size didn't lol
The first thing I spotted were the landmines all over the place .
And of course , I stepped on them , several times ,,,, ffs
Yup , big trees lol
It was still a good day , I loaded what I cut there , went over to the scrounged up woodpile and filled the trailer with zoggerwood , fir and spruce , dropped it off to a fella that wanted a load of bonfire wood .
Sure is nice when you can trade what most would snub their nose for heating wood for folding paper and have a very happy customer

He was happy that it wasn't big wood and his small 16" chainsaw would have no troubles cutting it up I told him that it was all cut with a 14" saw so he'll have no issues lol
If I didn't have such a stockpile of an undisclosed amount wood stacked at the secret locations I wouldn't be trading ,,,, but I'm pretty sure I have too much lol