Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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The WE ... Took the Grandsons to the bike path Sat AM, and to a party for the kids next door in the PM.

Sunday morning we did a serious Bike ride (37 mi), the plus 90 degree weather made it a bit tough, but I'm still going.

Worked on the Landscapers little MS 250 in the PM, but had to pull it apart again due to a wire in the wrong place. Very frustrating little saw to work on! I'm doing it as a favor to a guy who got me about 6 cord of wood already this year, but I think going forward I'm sticking the the Pro Stihl saws.
In truth, I don't like looking under the hood of my 362 C either, but I really haven't had to.

My favs, 044/440, 046/460/461, 066/660. They all make sense and are logical to work on, and you can mod them w/o much drama.
That's the nice thing about new electronic saws. They should only need looking into once in a blue moon.

We looked at doing a base gasket delete on my 562...naw maybe not today lol.
Not scrounging, but cut today for the first time in over two weeks. (COPD laid me low. Chronic something pulmonary disorder, catch all phrase for I should have protected my lungs better over the years.) Anyway, did 1/4 cord, and called it after an hour.
Slow start, but it's a start. Didn't feel hot because there was a breeze, but got soaked quick even in the shade.
Been real busy getting ready for my wife's family reunion last Saturday. Finally over and I can get back to firewood. My grandson and I built this balance boardwalk for the kids to play on. Even the big kids had fun on it. And I moved his new playhouse into place beside the trampoline.


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I wish I had pics. When my kids were little I took their 4X4 post swingset and put it in the woods. Then my Dad built them a play house out of treated plywood, put it in the woods. Built a big tree house in the middle of 3 Oaks with a long zip line. The three play structures were placed in a triangle about 50 feet apart. Then I put 4X4 posts in the ground, screwed 2X6's to both sides of the post, and put a 2X6 on top to make a gang plank hooking all three structures together. The only way to get to the play house or tree house was to climb the swing set tower and then balance on the gang plank to the others. After my kids got too big to play on them, I left them there and told my neighbors grand kids they could use them anytime they wanted, just let me know first. My neighbor was raising both of his grand kids because his daughter was in jail. Every time I went out and herd kids playing in the woods I'd walk over to the top of the hill and act like I was doing something. The grand son would hide behind trees and sneak back over to his house. I went down to my fire pit one day and saw a bunch of spray can writing on the play house. Him and his little buddy wrote "Bad Boyz Turf Keep Out" on the front wall. Pizzed me off so I took a chain saw and cut it all down and made a giant bonfire. The grand daughter turned out to be a dream, sweetest girl you ever met. She just graduated from high school with honors in every thing. Has been excepted to several big schools. She gives you hope in the future. The grand son graduated to the Bad Boyz's big house, said he is bi-polar and has crack baby syndrome. It's a shame, when he was 10-12 years old all he wanted to do was help and work hard. I think he just got hooked up with the wrong people. When he started smoking dope is when my Homelite Super 77 disappeared, Joe.
As per usual my quick project is consuming more time and energy.

This was a blowdown that I bucked last fall. About 75' from the road. Big (for aspen) 18" trunk and waterlogged. No way I'm carrying those rounds whole so splitting them with the S2800. On average 10 whacks per round to halve which again is not the norm for aspen as this tree is solid and has some twist to it. I'm split about halfway to the point where the rounds are small enough to carry whole.

Of course the big saws and Isocore maul are at home. At least it's cool and breezy today.

As per usual my quick project is consuming more time and energy.

This was a blowdown that I bucked last fall. About 75' from the road. Big (for aspen) 18" trunk and waterlogged. No way I'm carrying those rounds whole so splitting them with the S2800. On average 10 whacks per round to halve which again is not the norm for aspen as this tree is solid and has some twist to it. I'm split about halfway to the point where the rounds are small enough to carry whole.

Of course the big saws and Isocore maul are at home. At least it's cool and breezy today.

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Spent a few hours bucking today, around 5 1/2 hrs maybe. About 125 logs 13'4" long and now they are 32" long. 25 or so left in that pile. Empty crates are waiting for the splitter to be fired up too.


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6 days have gone by without me having to light up any scrounged wood , I don't know what I'm gonna do with all this extra time on my hands , feels like I'm forgetting to do something lol
You're forgetting to sharpen all the chains, greases all the axles, change all the oils, check all the tires, clean & refurbish all the equipment, etc, etc, etc....Just like me, just like all of us that own lots of
Been extremely busy with a volunteer community project I am involved with so the woodpile has been neglected. However tonight I decided to noodle a few pieces for chicken bedding. So I showed the poulan 2050 some love and ran a tank through it. The chain needs touched up and it was slow but steady as always. Then while on a roll, I pulled out the husky 365xt which I haven't run since I got the ms460. The husky made short work of a few pieces the splitter didn't like. Forgot what a fast saw that thing is, especially after the poulan with a halfway wore chain. Anyways, felt good to have a saw in my hands and make some chips again.