The Subaru had some problems with the front left sway bar and I took it in to the dealer this morning to get it fixed (this is 100km away). Naturally, I took the trailer and the saws because you just never know. There are designated public firewood collection zones scattered around the place and there just so happened to be one on the way home. It's right off the main road so I went up to have a look.
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Nice, but nothing on the ground and you're not allowed to drop trees in these areas, and in any case, most of the trees up this hill were pretty small. These areas get hit pretty hard by scroungers. I drove in a few k's but didn't see anything of interest apart from this guy. A wallaby.
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I turned around and went back down. Against my better judgement, I tried the other road at the fork and drove downhill about 500m. Turned out my judgement sucked in this case. Hellooooo!
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It's a tree of some sort, don't know the species. Looks like it has fallen over in the last few weeks. Very shaggy bark on the main trunk but smooth upper limbs. At that point, a forestry guy rolls up to check to make sure no-one is doing anything illegal, which I wasn't. He didn't know what species it was either so he wasn't much use. I have a client coming in on Friday who knows a bit about trees in this particular area, he might be able to shed some light on it. In the meantime, I'll call it e.firewood.
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The 460 did some work down the small end. I didn't take anything under 6 inches and over 15 inches, Limby got the call. He was wearing a brand new chain and made short work of this eucalypt. I worked back along one of the main branches to the point where it was 25inch bar length thick by which time I thought I had enough to fill the trailer.
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Witchetty grub holes. The grubs are edible if you're into that sort of thing.
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I seem to have lost a couple of photos off my phone but you've probably all had enough for one post anyway. In this case, my judgement was much better. Full trailer, about 1.5 cubes this time. Still a heap left in this tree, maybe another 5-6 cubes or more. Next time I'm down this way I'll pay it another visit.
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Given that I nearly gave it away and went home empty handed, it turned out to be a great little session. I'm looking forward to burning this in three years time.