View attachment 618379 I bought a set of insulated work gloves while at BassPro Shops on Sunday. I tried on every freaking brand they had. I finally settled on these
What's with the kangaroo on the label? That's cultural appropriation!!
We have hoppies pass through our place, sometimes up to 20 at a time. Cowgirl and I were having a quiet beer in front of the firepit a couple of months back and a mob of kangaroos came thundering past, about 2 metres away. Quite an impressive sight! Without binocular vision they don't really see you if you're still so they didn't know we were there.
Cowgirl has been working on an orchard and is digging mulch and noodles into the ground and levelling the area - manually with a mattock. It's a lot of work but it keeps her in trim, I say. Anyway, the hoppies are very curious so they spend a fair bit of time checking out her progress and generally making a mess. There was a distinctive little joey, not long out of the pouch that was feralling all over the place through the orchard and the mulch heaps last Wednesday, just loving being alive and playing, occasionally picking fights with some of the larger juveniles. It was nice to see wild animals just playing, having a good time. Later that morning I went for a bike ride for an hour or so and cut back across a vacant 10 acre lot next to us and found the little fella dead, abandoned by the mob with his eye pecked out, by a bird I assume - they often get new lambs that way around here too. I get that nature is harsh and animals hunt for food and so do we and that's all fine, but I was a bit sad all the same. Three hours earlier the little guy was loving life and having a ball then later the same morning he's a compost heap having died a slow and painful death. Didn't make me happy that day.