Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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finally got some pics for you pic lovers. phone has been :badpc:. scrounging around in the 3 year old logging tops for some decent wood. found some that was stihl up off the ground and not to bad and then i found this red oak tree that had blown over and was laying on top of the old stone fence off the ground and stihl ok. cut 3 buckets and stihl have the red oak log to cut after next weeks freeze. all 3 buckets are split to dry now.20180110_141447 (1).jpg 20180110_141432.jpg
I worked on some stove issues. Got the gap at the door latch closed up. Cleaned the door hinge pins and the holes in the hinges and door so the pins would slide all the way down. Made a little baffle plate to cover up some of the doghouse hole. If I put a full 18" load of good dry wood in the stove its uncontrollable. Even with the draft all the way closed. I have some flue/chimney issues to address also but I cant do that till after burning season. I also want to make the secondary air controllable a little bit but cant do that till burning season is over either.
Got some exercise wheelbarrowing the wood out of the woods today. The tough part is the little hill before the drive way, a real B*** Breaker! Did not get it all out, but enough for now.

There is also another dead standing Chestnut Oak (center of first pic) I will have to drop next year, but it is entangled with a leaner and a Beech. Plan would be to make the top into fire wood, and mill the trunk. I may also mill some of the remaining trunk on the downed one. The wood is beautiful.

There are squirrels living in that standing one. If I had a shotgun I could have had 4 of them with one shot.

And in the afternoon, it got too warm (in the 40s) and the snow no longer hid the imperfections in the woods, making it a PITA.

FYI, that is my scrounged wheelbarrow, with the hard Maple handles I made with the chain saw, and a piece of treated plywood in the bottom. Nice + Strong, better than new! Added some deck screws to anchor the plywood to the handles.


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G'day fellas,
Got the word yesterday from a mate at cricket training that a local farmer needs a gully cleared and there's lots of wood in it. Apparently we can use his tractor to drag logs up and go nuts. I'm awaiting further details before I get too excited but it has been more than a week since I've swung a chainsaw and I'm getting a bit twitchy. Prolly be March or April before we get after it but it gives me something to look forward to. I feel that you northerners need to pick up the slack at this time. There has been less than a page worth of postings today. Surely someone other than @farmer steve and @MustangMike have been getting after it?

@KiwiBro hasn't given us much recently. Surely there are some trees over in NZ that need to get what's coming to them? Where are the big stacks of e.saligna?

Cowgirl tells me the Subaru is just about due for new tyres too...
G'day fellas,
Got the word yesterday from a mate at cricket training that a local farmer needs a gully cleared and there's lots of wood in it. Apparently we can use his tractor to drag logs up and go nuts. I'm awaiting further details before I get too excited but it has been more than a week since I've swung a chainsaw and I'm getting a bit twitchy. Prolly be March or April before we get after it but it gives me something to look forward to. I feel that you northerners need to pick up the slack at this time. There has been less than a page worth of postings today. Surely someone other than @farmer steve and @MustangMike have been getting after it?

@KiwiBro hasn't given us much recently. Surely there are some trees over in NZ that need to get what's coming to them? Where are the big stacks of e.saligna?

Cowgirl tells me the Subaru is just about due for new tyres too...
Thanks Cowboy. Mike and I have learned that 90* F ain't for scrounging firewood. the saws run better in the colder air too.
Agreed it's a bit slack here, I feel twitchy too. Time limited by a 2yo and 4mo, who are lovely but yes it makes it hard to get at the wood.

I new this was coming though so I am well up on last year, 3/5 of 19/20s wood collected, all that bucked and a little CSS. The London lawn is very wet currently and the last month of wet and mild weather didn't help, I'm very limited currently on where to store wood prior to process, when bucked and when CSS....~25m3 of wood in a suburban London garden is a squeeze!

I am expecting/hoping for a text from my wood guy any day as before Christmas I was promised a 'large Oak' he was too take down in the new year. Collecting is one thing I can find the time for.... Although stacking my spoils is troubling! Hopefully I'll be posting some photos of Oak shortly though.

In the meantime, I split kindling on the patio and sit by a warm stove, or 2.
That large standing Chestnut Oak should yield a lot of wood when it comes down, but it will not be easy. There is a good sized Red Maple leaning against it, and it has a lot of very dead branches, and it is intertwined with a decent size Beech Tree. I really don't want to take the Beech down, as it looks very healthy, and most of them around here don't (they have that bark problem), and it is the only decent size Beech on the property.

Also, the diameter may challenge my 36" bar some. It will be interesting!