Cause I Voluntarily let them drill me a new well 2 years ago when the water quit ... just shy of $20,000!!! I'm now down 1,330 feet, but we have water ... Voluntarily!!! Pump is a 3 phase, down at 860 Ft.
And I Voluntarily let those teenagers burn down the house I was building 30 years ago, and I Voluntarily went through the divorce 25 years ago, and I Voluntarily paid for the kids college expenses, and I Voluntarily paid for the Dogs Spinal Surgery and ... gosh ... I do a lot of Volunteering!!!
Life ain't always easy, but you just gotta keep plugging!!! Most people my age have no mortgage and are fully retired, but I still got my health, so I won't complain. It is a lot easier now than when I was still working for NYS full time and doing the Taxes on the side!!!