Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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What is it cowboy? looks similar to some of the stuff I cut yesterday.

G'day BFS, that's all peppermint I've been cutting. Mostly broad leaf, some narrow. That big round of yours does look a bit like narrow leaf peppermint with the Milo colour and sap veins but really could be anything. Dry wood can be hard to pick. Don't think you'd 15 hours burn time out of peppermint though.

What nearly killed you? Falling tree? I would have gone for drop bear but they normally only target Americans. Stay safe.
G'day BFS, that's all peppermint I've been cutting. Mostly broad leaf, some narrow. That big round of yours does look a bit like narrow leaf peppermint with the Milo colour and sap veins but really could be anything. Dry wood can be hard to pick. Don't think you'd 15 hours burn time out of peppermint though.

What nearly killed you? Falling tree? I would have gone for drop bear but they normally only target Americans. Stay safe.
Thanks for that Cowboy, I think you are right about the peppermint, I cut some up and burnt it last night and it looked like some of the other peppermint I have once I split it. I think the other one which burnt for 15hrs was either red box or red gum - whatever it is it burns well and puts out plenty of heat.

What nearly killed me was lifting the logs into the ute, they were bloody heavy and I ain't real well, I ran out of oxygen and the body went into panic mode, time to see the doc and see what they say.
I split a piece of the stuff that burnt for 15hrs - I reckon it's red box, what do you think?


No cutting today but I did go around and pick up two loads from the stuff I cut at the farm on Wednesday. Some of it is dry enough to burn right away but most is only half dry and could use a year in the shed. Trailer is 7 x 4.5 ft. Load one

View attachment 644586

Load 2

View attachment 644587

There's stihl some more there from the other day, maybe another cube or so. Should be back on the saws again tomorrow.


I hope you're gonna put both your mankini and scrounging hat on and fish that wood out of that pond ... Lol

Bigfella , go get yourself checked out , we don't need a member being down and a bit too far out to go give a helping hand .
I hope you're gonna put both your mankini and scrounging hat on and fish that wood out of that pond ... Lol

Bigfella , go get yourself checked out , we don't need a member being down and a bit too far out to go give a helping hand .
Yeah I definitely will its happened a few times over the last couple of mths so need to get it sussed, scares the ***** out of ya I can tell ya that, the body reacts by putting you into panic mode which is it's way of telling me somethings not right.
Hope everything checks out ok bigfella.
Been crazy winter here too, not much snow until Feb-March. Most of the snow is gone around the house but scrounge area still has about 4’ .
Was able to cut a maple for my father in law last weekend though, helped with the withdrawals, sure nice to runs saws again:).275F807A-7A43-4765-9F6E-2B00F870D963.jpegAbout 5’ at base then grew into 6 separate stems. Only had to climb 2, was able to cut the rest from the ground.B65C9CDC-E123-41D8-A0CE-E169DBF45F6D.jpeg 92459333-D329-4245-925A-34F771F7FEAC.jpeg Family there needed the wood more than I did so didn’t bring any home.
After trimming some trees at my mothers placeBBDA169D-599F-42CC-9945-396652817E0D.jpegI realized my flip line is almost 20 yrs old :cool:0CD1667C-46DE-46FF-81F7-18B4934C8F11.jpeg so I scrounged up a new one8E87563E-7C95-47CE-B576-77CEAFB369FF.jpeg
Was too windy to take down trees today so I just cleaned up a couple ash trees, and branches from one that I gave a trim job. Not sure of the species but it's hard and heavy, and the branches were an absolute nightmare. Looks like mulberry but I'm pretty sure it's not, if mother nature can ever make her mind up I'm sure it'll have leaves. The one ash tree I cut down was extremely hollow, and unfortunately a life was lost in the midst of cutting it. Two of the cute little buggers were safe though so my daughter got to pet one after school.

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Havent touched anything firewood related for a couple weeks. Been doing some serious house cleaning. The great purge of 2018.
ah the yearly major spring clean that nearly kills the best of men, I don't mind cleaning up but these major cleaning get me down big time not being able to stir out of the house :cry: but usually if I annoy her enough by asking can I throw away this or can I throw away that, she just tells me to go do something else and leave her alone :baaa: she usually get her own back by borrowing (more like taking) my bank card for a day of retail therapy, win win I suppose
Hope everything checks out ok bigfella.
Been crazy winter here too, not much snow until Feb-March. Most of the snow is gone around the house but scrounge area still has about 4’ .
Was able to cut a maple for my father in law last weekend though, helped with the withdrawals, sure nice to runs saws again:).View attachment 644733About 5’ at base then grew into 6 separate stems. Only had to climb 2, was able to cut the rest from the ground.View attachment 644734 View attachment 644736 Family there needed the wood more than I did so didn’t bring any home.
After trimming some trees at my mothers placeView attachment 644737I realized my flip line is almost 20 yrs old :cool:View attachment 644747 so I scrounged up a new oneView attachment 644739

Was that a silver maple? I'm still working on my northern hemisphere tree identification. Looks like a LOT of work to clean all that up.

Thanks for that Cowboy, I think you are right about the peppermint, I cut some up and burnt it last night and it looked like some of the other peppermint I have once I split it. I think the other one which burnt for 15hrs was either red box or red gum - whatever it is it burns well and puts out plenty of heat.

What nearly killed me was lifting the logs into the ute, they were bloody heavy and I ain't real well, I ran out of oxygen and the body went into panic mode, time to see the doc and see what they say.

If there was no chest pain but you just conked out my first guess would be a heart valve giving trouble...keeping in mind I'm a physio not a doctor. Second guess would be AF. Time to get the ticker checked in any case.

I split a piece of the stuff that burnt for 15hrs - I reckon it's red box, what do you think?



Most box varieties I'm familiar with have a fine and even grain that is interlocked. I couldn't guess at what that one is but you need to go and get more of it, but stick to smaller bits when lifting them into the BT-50, and wait until after you've seen the GP. If you keel over and need to spend 6 months convalescing it will be awfully expensive for @dancan to airmail over scrounged spruce for you. Even then, Customs will probably break it just like my MMWS MS241.
I went out to my new scrounge farm today while I was waiting for the footy to start. I stihl had some rounds to pick up and I was also going to do some clean up. The farmer is a bit particular about scroungers cleaning up after themselves rather than taking the good stuff and leaving all the cr@p. I picked up half a load of firepit oddballs and half a load of nice peppermint rounds. I took the rounds around to a mate of mine who is a bit short on wood for the coming winter and then brought the junk home. Inexplicably I forgot to take a picture. I'm sorry. :(

Since there was an hour before game time I went back out. Sawed up a few bits and pieces but mainly it was more cleanup. I'm surprised how much there was in just random wood junk there. Remembered to take a pic this time.

7th Apr 2.jpg

I even pulled the stump and busted that up and chucked that in the trailer. Here was the log on Wednesday.

4th Apr 1.jpg

Now you see it, now you don't. I hope that's clean enough.

7th Apr 1.jpg

In the second picture you can see a diagonal peppermint trunk in the top right corner. It fell against another tree which has partially split but is still standing. It is leaning over the remaining logs. I really want to scrounge them but I'm not at all comfortable with working under that. Fortunately there are another 6 trunks down for the scrounging, just across to the left.

Was that a silver maple? I'm still working on my northern hemisphere tree identification. Looks like a LOT of work to clean all that up.
Not really sure cowboy. I’m not that good with the hard wood identification. Yeah it will be a big job, helped clean out his parking spot but he wanted to do the rest, he is semi retired and enjoys the work.
Not really sure cowboy. I’m not that good with the hard wood identification. Yeah it will be a big job, helped clean out his parking spot but he wanted to do the rest, he is semi retired and enjoys the work.
pretty sure it was a silver maple Nate from you pics. that new rope is sweet. what exactly do you use that for?
2 little wheel barrows today.
1 boxelder
1 elm

Going after a fairly big standing dead elm tomorrow. Will be a little spooky. Big Y with a lot of potential for dry rotty branches dropping. Guy has to have a little fun!

I go back to work next week so it's gotta get done. Snows deep so will have to plow a trail back to it. Wood sheds getting close to empty so some those branches will go straight to the wood box.
No firewood scrounging today but I did okay at an auction sale. Bought a horizontal splitter for $275 and a few other things I just had to have. The green wagon was $65. I had to buy it to haul the other stuff home. That makes about 25 trailers/ wagons for me. "but Honey, it was cheap". The blue shelving was $15, guy who bought the uprights wasn't paying attention and they sold the shelving separate, he was not a happy camper when he figured that out. The vintage Manco mini bike even came with all the paperwork and VHS instruction tape. Grandson present for birthday next month. He has a couple already but this is a classic (2002) with the Robin engine.
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pretty sure it was a silver maple Nate from you pics. that new rope is sweet. what exactly do you use that for?
I’m sure your right Steve, you would know more about it than me. I haven’t been around hard woods much except yard trees down in the big city. Thanks, it’s the line that’s goes around the tree and clips to my climbing harness (belt).E71131F8-9691-4681-8124-9BE54BD3C5ED.png
Not me;)
I’m sure your right Steve, you would know more about it than me. I haven’t been around hard woods much except yard trees down in the big city. Thanks, it’s the line that’s goes around the tree and clips to my climbing harness (belt).View attachment 644999
Not me;)
thanks Nate. i thought i needed a "rope" like that when i saw your pic. now that i see what it's for i'll pass. :laugh: lot's of people round here pass on the silver maple for firewood because it burns so fast.:crazy2:
thanks Nate. i thought i needed a "rope" like that when i saw your pic. now that i see what it's for i'll pass. :laugh: lot's of people round here pass on the silver maple for firewood because it burns so fast.:crazy2:
Yeah, but when you acquire 4+ cords of the stuff....

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