I went back out to my grey and red box scrounge spot this morning. Everything was still as I left it on Tuesday. If I came across a peppermint log that had charcoal on part of the outside, I'd probably move on and find one that didn't. With grey box, however, there are few sins that can't be forgiven.

I gave the 460 a go today as it hasn't had much love recently and worked the remainder of the log into rounds.

Then split. A few pretty ugly shapes and noodled some as they were just dead-set unsplittable.

Packed them into the trailer - bit over half a cube then reversed over to the red box.

Also put some of the dry end bits into the back of the Suby for old time's sake.

Knocked a few rounds of the red box with Limby this time, with still a bit left there.

Loaded up. Not so pretty but it warm you long time.

Then I went for a walk a bit further up the track. Anyone game to have a crack at this one? The higher one is directly over the lower one

Me, I think I'll pass. You could probably scrounge a load out of the branches out of pic to the left without too much trouble but I think I might keep my scrounging a bit closer to home for a while now. The Suby uses about 14 litres of fuel to get there and back at $1.52 per litre, so about $21 of fuel for a bit over 1/3 cord. But then you have to factor in the benefits of healthy exercise and the incalculable benefit of being able to post pics of your scrounge on the interweb.

I gave the 460 a go today as it hasn't had much love recently and worked the remainder of the log into rounds.

Then split. A few pretty ugly shapes and noodled some as they were just dead-set unsplittable.

Packed them into the trailer - bit over half a cube then reversed over to the red box.

Also put some of the dry end bits into the back of the Suby for old time's sake.

Knocked a few rounds of the red box with Limby this time, with still a bit left there.

Loaded up. Not so pretty but it warm you long time.

Then I went for a walk a bit further up the track. Anyone game to have a crack at this one? The higher one is directly over the lower one

Me, I think I'll pass. You could probably scrounge a load out of the branches out of pic to the left without too much trouble but I think I might keep my scrounging a bit closer to home for a while now. The Suby uses about 14 litres of fuel to get there and back at $1.52 per litre, so about $21 of fuel for a bit over 1/3 cord. But then you have to factor in the benefits of healthy exercise and the incalculable benefit of being able to post pics of your scrounge on the interweb.