G'day Jeff, yes it's state forest. Until about 6 years ago you needed a per-metre permit which cost about $12 or so and a time frame to get it - like a given weekend - but the volume you took wasn't really enforced. Once when I went into the Parks office to get a permit has asked how much I was going to get and I said a fair bit. He sez "Say, about a metre"? And I say no, we'll be getting a fair bit more than that. "No, no, mate, a metre is a fair amount you know. And I'll put on here two weeks to get it". And I say, yeah but we need much more than a metre. And he just looks at me

. Eventually I twig that he's saying here's your permit for one metre, go and take as much as you want I don't care, he just couldn't say it out aloud...I was a bit slow on the uptake that day.
Now there are designated areas where you can cut wood Sep-Nov and Mar-May but not in the summer or winter months and there are a whole lot of do's and don'ts in the name of protecting the environment. You can take up to 12 cubes per year, I'm up to about 7.5 now. You don't need a permit for those areas but you can't cut wood anywhere else on public land now - so the designation of small areas for collection was a sop to those who might complain about the remaining 95% of the forest being locked up. The trick is to scrounge in September when you'll have trees fallen over through the winter months and no-one is thinking about cutting wood when it's warming up.
I expect the drying rate will be slow, though the box from the last few weeks is checking nicely already. I did have some grey box mebbe 10 years ago that I cut in late spring and tried to burn the next winter which you can do with peppermint etc that will dry well in one summer. It didn't burn well and I saw when I split one bit smaller that it was still quite moist inside. And it doesn't have much water in it to begin with, the green density is 1170kg/m and 12%MC is 1120kg/m. I'm giving this two summers and should be good to go
