Started the day by gluing down a cylinder I ported on a Asian 440 BB. Thought I would get it running today, but then the phone rang.
One of my Landscaper friends calls me and asks if I can come over with a big saw. Says he has to take down the large Tulip and none of his saws are big enough. I tell him no problem, soft Tulip should be easy. But just to be on the safe side, I threw 2 660s w 36" bars and 2 Hybrids with 28" bars in the trailer. Good thing I did!!! The large Tulip turned out to be a large Smooth Bark Hickory that had twisted about 30' up and looked like an inverted V.
There was so much tension within that wood that your bar would get locked in place even when stuff was completely off the ground and looked to be tension free. Had to cut bars out with other saws about 4 times. By the time 4:00 rolled around (I got there before 1:00) I was down to one good running hybrid. The other saws, chains dulled, or jumped, etc.
The first thing I did was cut the top end of the V so it was hanging off the ground. Then figured I would take another round off of it to lighten it up some more. My 36" bar got locked solid in place, had to cut and chisel it out! I will be honest, I never saw a pinch coming from trying to cut a round that is not making any ground contact! And it was a solid pinch, worst one of the day!
My 660s and Hybrids all ripped through that Hickory pretty fast, but Hickory is tough stuff and with all the pinches, chains dulled and stretched really fast (and I run Stihl chain).
So I ended up going home with one dump truck load, and one trailer load of Hickory! Numerous other loads went elsewhere. Sorry, no pics, the 4 man crew cleaned it up about as fast as I could cut it, plus they helped me roll logs and unstick the bar. In addition I did not have any time, was just trying to finish things up!