The turkey in the oven pushed up the temps lol
Power to weight, and getting it to the road is where it was at. The 67 + 68 Mustangs (Cudas, Camaros, Novas, etc) were about the lightest cars you could put a big block in, so they were my favorite. That was way before they came out with kits to make small blocks with big block displacement, and long before you ever heard of a Civic!
I haven't been in that section of bush for a couple of months. The wood peckers are telling me to get my sheet together and get those trees out. I can't believe how quickly the trees are dying and how the peckers are going nuts.
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72-74° is just comfort.
These days I'd say 90% of the fast street cars around here run e85. 104 octane and cheaper then 87.104 octane gasoline, Chevron's white pump was usually 28-cents a gallon 'circa 1967, sometimes as low as 26-cents a gallon! (how I grumbled having to buy it for my 12.5:1 427 rat motor! lol run the good stuff, sing, anything else and it would rattle!) and that stuff would make any 11:1 engine sing... and if 12.5:1... no prob, even those would sing on that elixir!
you just would have had to have been there...
These days I'd say 90% of the fast street cars around here run e85. 104 octane and cheaper then 87.
The octane rating for e85 is around 104. No need to add anything.I have used 104 in the past. not much e85. but up to 10% ethanol, just about all gasoline here is that in the Regular brand. do they add a % of 104 to a tank full, or an entire can? with today's electronics and turbos and the helix-type blowers... and very efficient inter-coolers... the air is not so beat up as with a roots-type... the new supercharged Corvette (@$107K!) is pure poetry in motion... off-idle, part throttle, mid-range and at WOT*... even if it requires premium grade gasoline. I guess, lol... if one has to ask, "really!, Premium Only?"... they cannot afford the car! ~
*modern automotive technology!![]()
Also in your second pick what is that scaly tree on the left?
Got some trees down and hauled home. Also got to do some welding. Everything is still only half frozen so I could only haul a few logs at a time. I have to cross a ploughed field and then have a couple of hills to go up. Was a nice day in the bush.
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Well , I fired up the Yammy , put together the woodrack by the door and filled it , it holds a face of a cord .
A balmy windthrill of -1 F out there but 80F in the house on scrounged woodStay warm my friends
The octane rating for e85 is around 104. No need to add anything.
Yea, that was the heyday for super cars for a long time (just recently being eclipsed). However, even back then, it was just like our "ported saws". If you car was showroom stock, you were not running against us! When I had the 427 Ford Engine in the 70 Boss 302 Body a friend got a brand new 464 460Hp Chevelle. He looked at me and said "no way am I running you, I'm stock".
Its been that cold in my house when its zero outside and I was gone for a while. When its zero outside with a 15mph wind 45 feels fantastic. Just dont sit around in your boxers. And stay close to the stove till the house warms poster on another thread said he got to his house and it was 40F! chilly - but up where D-ick Proenneke lived, up at Twin Lakes, AK in his book Alone In The Wilderness he stated that after a day out on the ice (up to 30" thick) and snowy, windy and -35F... when he got back to the cabin... it was a "toasty 45!"
it was a "toasty 45!"![]()