Was recently musing about that a few days ago when a customer rings me on my day off, panicking about a (what would be large but the scale keeps getting nudged out these days so I'll call it small-ish at about 60' tall) gum tree (damn-it they are salignas too - the salignas are stalking me) that broke its moorings in that morning's breeze and is hung in two other trees precariously above the new living quarters she decided to build under them just a year ago.
I mean, c'mon. As I'm learning myself, stoopid gets expensive. It's one of those jobs where I have to drop about 6 trees all about the 60' height, in order to get that one tree down without damaging the new digs, fingers crossed. It's currently well hung up so won't go any further in a hurry, which will give her some time to save for a job that's going to cost her more than she just spent on the new shack she is trying to save. Will get back to it if I ever make it out of the gum gully alive. Come to think of it, I wonder if we can get a crane in, pick the shack up and move it out of the way, drop that one hung tree, and put the shack back all for cheaper than dropping all the other trees. I mean, let's leave those remaining trees for another (windy) day ;-)