woodchip rookie
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black cherry AND oak...*EDIT*...Didnt look close at first. All cherry.
Sorry to hear about your friend Joe.I have a friend that is in hospice care and his family is taking his gun collection to auction to help pay the bills. He's a lefty so most of his stuff doesn't fit me. He has Montana's, Dakota's, Ula's, Nula's, Coopers, Kimber's. But he also has 13 Ruger #1's and #3's. The family let a select group of friends buy anything we wanted before it went to sale. I just wanted something of Steve's as a keepsake, so I bought a Ruger #3 in 25-35. It is a custom barrel and comes with the original 375 Winchester barrel. I also got a Leupold VariX3 1.5X5 to go on it. Nice little scope for a nice little rifle. I'll get pics up when I get the scope mounted. I also bought 4 boxes of Hornady 110 gr FTX ammo and 200 rounds of new brass. Should keep me stocked up for a while. He also had a Ruger #1 in 38-55 I wanted, but I just didn't have the cash right now. Just spent 10K on a hunting cabin and bought a new JD X540. If I'm lucky I'll have some cash flowing by the time his guns go to auction and I might get a chance to buy the other 2 guns I wanted. It's sad when a friend gets sick and goes downhill so fast. Steve's 78 and last fall he was working, driving, shooting, and hunting. He was in an accident in November, swerved to miss a herd of deer in the road. Totaled his Tundra, and when the air bag popped, it cracked his sternum. While in the hospital for the accident they found his stomach was full of tumors. Since the first of the year he has lost 50 pounds and sleeps 16-18 hours a day. He was a suite and tie guy, but fit in with us blue collar guys, like he belonged. He is a member of our every other week lunch bunch that meets at Barley and Hops for a couple IPA's. We haven't met since he got sick. It's kind of creepy buying his guns before he passes, but his son said the the hospice bill for last month was $18,000. I guess that's why we collect all the stuff we do, to ease the burden on the kids, when it's time to cash out.
Just last weekend coming back from Ohio I was looking at a stand of trees thinking what the heck are those, had to be about 50-60', sumac I'm pretty sureWe've got a few here in West Michigan. Just cleaned one up on my property last fall that had tipped over. Sound familiar?
Looks like some nice wood, I like locust
I think you may be wrong. If they designed the engine to run on high test, then had to modify the tune to enable it to run on regular (due to a court order), and if the computer detects the octane level (maybe just through knock sensors) then it will modify more than just the timing. Likely also boost level and VCT. The owners manual would not recommend high test if the engine were not programmed to benefit from it. Timing alone would not make a great difference.
Uncle Mike, those direct injection injectors are quite problematic indeed. I’ll give you a couple cans of a fuel additive you should run in a full tank every oil change.
Well, I went out and got a heaping loaf in the 8 foot bed today after mowing my lawn. Honey locust and Ash. Somebody already got to the Oak. Had to put the F-250 in 4 low, as it was quite muddy. Going back for another load tomorrow before it starts raining at 3 pm. The pic is dumped wood by the splitter. 1/2 a truck bed load.
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Mowing the yard?
I might rake up all the dog poop this weekend. Grass is just starting to get green in a few spots. Normally don't need to mow till the end of May, early June but may be early this year.