One of my son's friends stayed with us for a semester and we walked a temporary room for him with Masonite. Today the wall came down and the Masonite cut into easy size pieces for disposal. It was no match for the Stihl Picco on the junkyard Homelite. While I was out I had to cut a few hunks off the pile for giggles. It always amazes me how hard you can lean on these little guys. If you never cut wood over 8-10", you could heat your house with one of these.
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Back when, about 1978, I did about 2 cord of black locust with that one's predecessor (XL or XL2). logs big enough I had to cut from both sides. that was when I was very short of money and all I had was dad's. The amazing part of them is how long they will cut before needing a sharpening job.