Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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With the 50 people who showed up last night, there was enough hot air to put the thermometer at 77 up from 70 with no heat on. Was still 74 at midnight after everyone left so I didn't light a fire. Woke up to snowing and blowing and the furnace was, gasp, on! We can't have that so I got it stoked up with a mixed load of poplar, willow and I big hunk of sugar maple on top.

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Chipper, thought you might like to see this one. Bought a few items at an online sale on Wednesday. Saw is brand new but been sitting in a warehouse in the original wrapping plastic and shipping crate for 10 years. 16", The Origional Saw and included the optional 16' of roller bench and alum sure stop measuring fence. Built in Iowa. Pictures is from the US site so US dollars. I paid $450 before premium and taxes, I was hoping to get it for under $2000 so I should do alright selling it. I figured I might as well get a load while I was going so got a 20x30' greenhouse fabric building ( for my sawmill shed), a plate compactor and 40 sheets of 18' roofing steel ( in case I decide to build a sawmill shed). Darn pic of price didn't show up well US$6845 for the saw alone.


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Took a 22 handgun and a 17HMR to the gunshow yesterday. Sold the Colt 22LR railgun the first 3mins I was there. Traded the 17 for a TC Compass in 6.5CM. Got my 700 back from the smith thursday. 1976 trued R700, 27" Bart, Jewell trigger, original bedded BDL stock. 20MOA one piece Nightforce mount. Old loopy Mark IV.


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Just finished splitting my late fall bucked up City donated oak that my Son dropped off in September . The wood was from a local park , the diameter was 30-32" to 18 -20" of 4 sections of 12-16' . The 25 ton Splitfire hyd. unit worked well to finish this task prior to the latest snowfall expected Tuesday . I stacked the cord of hardwood yesterday beside the woodshed , which is already full of Mountain Ash and Hard Rock Maple and Silver Birch mix to finish seasoning for perhaps next yr . Nice Pre Christmas Present from the City ! P.S. SVK , Joey looks like he is ready for action , cute little fellow :).
Congrats Joe. Got skunked here this year except for a doe yesterday. No Horn soup for me!!

Congrats on your doe FS, that is what I got last year, and venison in the freezer is venison in the freezer! I'll take a doe over not getting one any year!
Well, darn, snowed out. Was out splitting big willow rounds for next year's sale... if it dries enough. Cut like a crazy fool all summer on the willow clearance project trying to beat a guy before he built fences. Hauled big chunks and stacked, working now on the split/pile. Almost finished cord #8 with what looks like 6 or 7 to go.

It was spitting snow when I went to the morning coffee club, came home to no snow so rea paper until 10 then figured I couild probably stand to split one garden wagon load of chunks (6-7 big rounds/chunks). It started another snow shower about the time I finished the second load. Came in with shoes soaked, gloves soaked, hoody jacket soaked. Fired up the stove and it is now ringed with chaird holding stuff to dry.

Temp here finally dropped back to normal season. hi's/lo's right around freezing.
I can only run one at a time so it's the 241 or 261 or 462. If they can't cut it it's to big to bother with.
Steve, IIRC 462 has been modded a lil. With skip chain you can use 42" bar, at least my 046 & ms460 pull that loop nicely while milling. Slows down @ 60" b&c to stay in the singing exhaust tune. But they don't see that bar anymore since the 661 joined the crew.:yes:
Stay warm safely Ya'll
Was going to wish you a late Happy B-Day, but you got it right there!
Would make some nice oak beams or a ton of boards. Wish I could cut it off where it branches out and get the rest to the mill in town. Probably a whole winter's worth of wood in just the top.
I went back to the bush yesterday just for a drive around. Lots of small ash laying half down or all the way down. A big poplar is still wedged in a couple of trees, I was hoping it would fall or knock over the ones holding it up. I would cut it down but I think that will end up with a harder job as it still won't fall completely to the ground. And this clump finally fell over after years of me driving around it. I'm going to have to dump some dirt in the stump hole or it will just fill full of water and ruin the trail anyway. I'm trying to plan some major tree killing during the holidays but my wife has other plans. I want to spend a couple of days on the sawmill making dust too but that always seems to be postponed. And 3 more sales until Christmas. Built a little extension for the Steiner. This one is 7' wide now for the light snow falls. I keep one of my Steiners on the job site so I can move snow and dirt around and this site has a 600' driveway so the extra 2' makes it go a little quicker. I also have a 4' and another 5' blade at the site for larger snow falls. We set the house 2 weeks ago. Lower level walls were built on site and the upper units were built in our factory and craned in place.


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