Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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The media pile on the PM was disgraceful. Emergency response is a state responsibility, not federal. Federal politicians don't have a role to play. Besides, the fires were no where near as bad then as they became in the last week. Now, even if you want to make the argument that 'it is a bad look' for the PM to be on holidays, the Victorian state Premier (Premier = Governor) was too! And he stayed away longer. The premiers are at least closer to the action even if they don't have an operational role either so if people want to say that the PM should be here then that goes double for the Premiers. Of course, nothing was said about Premier Andrews. And that is because his party is the one that the MSM prefers.
Typical sheeple taking the journalistic (and I use that term lightly) bait. It has become acceptable to never question the ***** the media feeds us, and become aggrieved at whatever they tell us to, without any critical thinking. It's not like the guy was gonna commandeer an unused firetruck and save the day.
Hope this is the right place to post this.:laughing: . A little dead ash this morning and then a big old dead locust this afternoon.
Only 6 round off the locust but made a bucket full of splits. None of the locust was over 12%.
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I was starting to wonder if it was myself.
Very nice, will you be able to get the rest later, you know I'm talking about the locust :sweet:.

I started splitting my wood for next year. With the help of the kids we managed to get a little more than 1/11 of the wood we will need split and loaded into the woodshed. It was a perfect day for working out there, blue skies and it got up to 39F, wish I could have been out there longer. Tomorrow there is a chance of rain starting around 8am last I saw so I'm not sure I'll be able to get any more done then.
Sorry the picture is bad, the sun was starting to go down, it's all cherry and black locust :sweet:.
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Merry Christmas to all of you using Yahoo !

And a Happy New Year too!
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yes, on both accounts! bit belated but... half my neighbors still have Christmas lights up around their house... and Seasonal Sounds music channel still playing Christmas songs! uh-huh! :yes: I did kitchen KP to 'Rudolf the Red Nosed Raindeer' this afternoon... lol.

Santa was good to me. guess I wasn't as naughtie as I had thought! lol ;)

all in all, a swell Christmas Season. one to add to my memory bank... :)

hope all of yours, too...
Merry Christmas to my fellow scroungers! Sent from my CLT-L04 using Tapatalk

that we be! eh? ;)....

came up a midnight... ah-h...

came upon an ez scrounge other day one neighborhood over. home owner had just had a big oak taken down and said take all the wood you want. I scrounged the easy stuff... close to 1/4 cord of oak was my take...
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View attachment 782942 Made a little progress at the elephant today. When I got there.View attachment 782943 When I left. Pictures from the same spot.View attachment 782944 Anyone have thoughts on these 3 small hickories? Take them now or see if they come around next spring? Pretty beat up and I cut the tops off so they would stand back up from being pinned by the oak.

yes, can u send me a cord? :D prepaid fgt, or delivered. NDA not required. lol ~

nice pix...
View attachment 786252 I run a ported 590. Only real difference between the two models is a little more aggressive porting and an extra 8* of timing advance on the 620.
What bar is on the dolly?
I thought the 620 had an aluminum handle, unlimited coil, larger dual dawgs, rim sprocket, magnesium clutch cover(captive bar nuts?, for sure larger), larger carb, different muffler that I think is more open to.
that we be! eh? ;)....

came up a midnight... ah-h...

came upon an ez scrounge other day one neighborhood over. home owner had just had a big oak taken down and said take all the wood you want. I scrounged the easy stuff... close to 1/4 cord of oak was my take...
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I see your still likening the little 271t. Had my 355t out today to clean up around the big oak I'm working on. Decided to run the tank dry in some 8-10 inch limbs. Always impressed by that little saw.
I see your still likening the little 271t. Had my 355t out today to clean up around the big oak I'm working on. Decided to run the tank dry in some 8-10 inch limbs. Always impressed by that little saw.

hi JM - sure. it always delivers what I need when I need it. and at times, a lot more than I should be asking of it. it cut those chunks in the wheel barrow with ease... I see u r staying busy. I am only 20 or so pages behind... lol . could just start at the 'now page' but don't want to miss the theme of things. and of course, all the cool pix!

What bar is on the dolly?
I thought the 620 had an aluminum handle, unlimited coil, larger dual dawgs, rim sprocket, magnesium clutch cover(captive bar nuts?, for sure larger), larger carb, different muffler that I think is more open to.
Better porting and coil are the only big differences. Carb is bigger but not enough to make a real difference. The rest is just unnecessary trinkets :lol:. Ported 590 is the same price or cheaper then a 620. That's what I would do. The full wrap is the only thing off the 620 I wish my 590 had.
Lots of busy work today. Plowed for a couple of hours and got stuck once. Probably could have shoveled out but had my wife pull me out with the suburban. Then a bunch of stuff around the house; fix some door knobs, replace burned out lights, wash light fixtures and so on. We got about 6” of dry but dense snow last night and are expected to receive another 7 inches or so overnight. Only problem is it’s 31 degrees so we are skirting the point of snow versus rain. I hope for snow. Southern and central MN was pummeled with ice storms yesterday. I’ll happily take snow!

cool vid svk, pun intended! replayed it a couple of times. looks far up North! lol ;) and... makes me be a bit ashamed to complain about it being low 40's tomorrow morning and chilly out. not going to be cold they said on tv weather tonite... but chilly! lol

sure looks chilly up there aka cold! :cold:

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