Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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How many acres are in that property you are cutting on??

When they start building on that property there will be lots and lots of trees removed.
You are going to need a bigger firewood shed.

Nice load.! Must be pretty close to axel n wheel studs' capacity. I once broke studs on my 6x10 single Axel trailer. I weighed the individual pieces when I got home n found it to be 5400#. Thankfully, no one else was around.
Nice load.! Must be pretty close to axel n wheel studs' capacity. I once broke studs on my 6x10 single Axel trailer. I weighed the individual pieces when I got home n found it to be 5400#. Thankfully, no one else was around.
Yeah, it doesn't take much...

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Yesterdays load split filled a my little 5' x 8' tilt even w/ rail.
This may get me through most of our mild season.
I scrounge wood with a work buddy and for some reason it seems as though I always get the dregs. In fairness, it's his splitter that we use but somehow wood "evaporates" between visits to the property. Last visit he pressed to get rid of half rotten apple that his F-I-L wanted to get rid of. Last load we acquired was monster old hickory but half of it no where to be seen. This visit more of the same but some reasonable red oak mixed in and the dregs of some rounds that have set longer than I'd like. His F-I-L has some bone-head need to lay perfectly good rounds flat on the ground not realizing it turns then into sponges wicking up every drop of water they can hold. I'm a guest so I bite my tongue.... at what point is use of the splitter just not worth it???
Yesterdays load split filled a my little 5' x 8' tilt even w/ rail.
This may get me through most of our mild season.
View attachment 393651
I scrounge wood with a work buddy and for some reason it seems as though I always get the dregs. In fairness, it's his splitter that we use but somehow wood "evaporates" between visits to the property. Last visit he pressed to get rid of half rotten apple that his F-I-L wanted to get rid of. Last load we acquired was monster old hickory but half of it no where to be seen. This visit more of the same but some reasonable red oak mixed in and the dregs of some rounds that have set longer than I'd like. His F-I-L has some bone-head need to lay perfectly good rounds flat on the ground not realizing it turns then into sponges wicking up every drop of water they can hold. I'm a guest so I bite my tongue.... at what point is use of the splitter just not worth it???

I would say you have long ago crossed that threshold. Hand splitting and noodling is not that bad a replacement from dorking around with a mechanical splitter that isn't yours and where you have no say in the spoils division. I have stacks and stacks, all hand split or noodled. Stacks and stacks. And I'm a scrawny little geezer, one of those guys who literally has to sit on a cushion so I am not looking through the steering wheel. HAHAHAHA!

Edit: I want to add one thing on this process of accumulating wood without owning a splitter..CUT SMALLS! Milk them trees out, take everything, tons of wood in trees that doesn't require any splitting to go right on the stack. Get a small, I mean, real small, high performance saw with a good chain and lay on!
Edit: I want to add one thing on this process of accumulating wood without owning a splitter..CUT SMALLS! Milk them trees out, take everything, tons of wood in trees that doesn't require any splitting to go right on the stack. Get a small, I mean, real small, high performance saw with a good chain and lay on!
Saw this idea on youtube, had to try it, knocked this one together a few days ago to prove the concept, works very well for those small, no-split branches.
Saw this idea on youtube, had to try it, knocked this one together a few days ago to prove the concept, works very well for those small, no-split branches.
View attachment 393729

Seems like I remember someone posted a youtube video with a contraption very similar about a month ago. I am at work now and can't acceess youtube, but it worked pretty slick IIRC.

I love it when days start like this :)
Beautiful day out there so off I go .When I get to the scrounging zone I winch out some logs that Pioneerguy600 and I had cut , figured I'd haul them out to the road log length "Skiddah" style .



It worked great on the road but I soon learn't I didn't have enough traction when I got in the rough stuff so that ended up being 2 haulouts instead of one .
I go back in and load the RonCo Wh 1.0
The wife and the dog come out to visit me so it was beer break time .


Back to work after the break and finish getting a load .



The winch and davit worked great today loading the bigger stuff , I looked at a bunch of pics and videos on the web and learned what works and how .


So I head out to the crossover road , when I got there I learn't that I didn't have enough traction on the frozen ground to get over the first set of hurdles . I get jammed up but finally manage to get the tractor out of the hurdles but I broke my hitch setup on the trailer . It was a cast steel end fitting from a hydro cylinder which I feared that I might break it , I did .


So I head out the longer but smoother road .
I soon learned that I didn't have enough traction on ice going uphill with a load on .


I also learn't that icy logs unload themselves real fast when the trailer tips up when you unhook so next time chain the load down even if it's small .


So I winch the small load up the icy hill and go home LOL


So , some would say that it was a bad day , but , I learn't all kinds of stuff today and since I called it a day a bit early I was sitting in the kitchen getting caught up on the forums I saw a flash in the oven that turned out to be the lower element catching fire with tonight's supper in the oven !
The element fire finally went out and the wife finished baking at the neighbours so supper was good , so , it was a good day and there was lots to learn and I've got some logs out in 2 piles to pick up plus the few that I dropped off on the log pile :)

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