Beautiful day out there so off I go .When I get to the scrounging zone I winch out some logs that Pioneerguy600 and I had cut , figured I'd haul them out to the road log length "Skiddah" style .
It worked great on the road but I soon learn't I didn't have enough traction when I got in the rough stuff so that ended up being 2 haulouts instead of one .
I go back in and load the RonCo Wh 1.0
The wife and the dog come out to visit me so it was beer break time .
Back to work after the break and finish getting a load .
The winch and davit worked great today loading the bigger stuff , I looked at a bunch of pics and videos on the web and learned what works and how .
So I head out to the crossover road , when I got there I learn't that I didn't have enough traction on the frozen ground to get over the first set of hurdles . I get jammed up but finally manage to get the tractor out of the hurdles but I broke my hitch setup on the trailer . It was a cast steel end fitting from a hydro cylinder which I feared that I might break it , I did .
So I head out the longer but smoother road .
I soon learned that I didn't have enough traction on ice going uphill with a load on .
I also learn't that icy logs unload themselves real fast when the trailer tips up when you unhook so next time chain the load down even if it's small .
So I winch the small load up the icy hill and go home LOL
So , some would say that it was a bad day , but , I learn't all kinds of stuff today and since I called it a day a bit early I was sitting in the kitchen getting caught up on the forums I saw a flash in the oven that turned out to be the lower element catching fire with tonight's supper in the oven !
The element fire finally went out and the wife finished baking at the neighbours so supper was good , so , it was a good day and there was lots to learn and I've got some logs out in 2 piles to pick up plus the few that I dropped off on the log pile