Around here they chip anything that will fit the chipper, and haul the rest away. I'm assuming they have an outlet for it around here. Even the PA DOT gets in on the action.
There's a guy around the corner from me that has what looks like tree service wood piled all over...I would love to know where he gets it from. He has a bird farm/construction-type business. I even noticed a few weeks ago that he's bought a firewood processor, so he must be trying to make a go at selling firewood too. He's got to have enough rounds to make 20 to 30 cords laying there...some of it is plain ugly stuff though (huge butt ends).
Speaking of selling firewood, there are a lot of small time outfits trying to make a go at selling firewood around here. There are two different guys I have watched for the past four years that are basically going to cut their entire property to the ground in an effort to make money from firewood. These guys don't have a lot of acreage to start with, but they are clear cutting what they have.
I'm stopping on the way home tonight to scope out/retrieve a Craigslist freebie. Guy has a few pines down that he wants gone. I'm a little apprehensive because the add has been up and down for a while..."easy access", "nice straight trees", "easy". We shall see tonight. Supposedly three pines, 60-80 feet long, 6 to 8 inches in diameter...might all fit on the truck.
I'm going to keep doing the Craigslist thing, get what I can when I can; pull the rest from up north or buy logs.