Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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It was a sad morning for me. I let go of 2 saws, the 084 and the 661. Had to free up some cash for a bow mount trolling motor. A guy can only have so many hobbies and I decided chainsaw collecting won't be one of them. I still have 9 saws so I should be ok. :innocent:
My pal got one with spot lock

It’s pretty freaking cool
The overfired stove reminds me of someone I had sold wood to in the past. When they complained the wood was "burning up too fast" (on a side note they were trying to use a fireplace insert to heat twice the area it was rated for) I asked what they set the damper at. They looked at me like a deer in the headlights and asked "what's a damper?". After explaining what a damper does there were no more complaints about wood burning up too fast.
I know you guys will know the answer to this, what is the Charles Bronson and Lee Marvin movie about the manhunt for the trapper?
He is right, Death Hunt. Based off the "Mad Trapper of Rat River". Also my favorite childhood movie "Challenge to be Free" is based off this story with a lighter tone.
Death Hunt
I havent watched it but with Lee Marvin and Charles Bronson I'm sure its good.
Beautiful pics! I wish we got enough snow around here to own a sled. I've always enjoyed riding but to only have maybe a week of open trails it doesn't pay. I would like to get one for ice fishing though. How has the Tundra been? Seems like it'd be an ideal fishing machine.
I can't justify the cost of a new machine, and I grew tired of $500 beater trail sleds. No more fish coops either. At 53, I'm back to pulling a small jet sled by hand, scratching out meals closer to access points and picking out days when I can set on a bucket without dying of hypothermia. Never been happier honestly.
I can't justify the cost of a new machine, and I grew tired of $500 beater trail sleds. No more fish coops either. At 53, I'm back to pulling a small jet sled by hand, scratching out meals closer to access points and picking out days when I can set on a bucket without dying of hypothermia. Never been happier honestly.
Sounds like my youth

Sitting on a bucket jigging while waiting for the flags to fly on my best friends dads home made tip ups
It was a sad morning for me. I let go of 2 saws, the 084 and the 661. Had to free up some cash for a bow mount trolling motor. A guy can only have so many hobbies and I decided chainsaw collecting won't be one of them. I still have 9 saws so I should be ok. :innocent:
Sure hope you make it OK Lee, 9 just doesn't seem like enough :laugh:.
I did the same thing when I started the barn build, sold a bunch of very clean 70cc saw, stock, modded, and ported...
Hope you like the new trolling motor.
Maybe you should get a faster boat too.

So, when are we going to hear how much the fires in CA have contributed to global warming, and how the toxins released create cancer for people in CA???

And they are concerned about gas stoves, wood burning stoves and leaf blowers!!!

You just can't make this stuff up!

Being anal about the small things while ignoring/facilitating the major disasters seems like a pretty dumb environmental policy to me.

I think if my house had burned down, and I had lost everything I own, I would want to tar and feather a few politicians!
My thoughts exactly. To watch Newscum dance when asked questions shows just how stupid he really is.
But yet, we are told "the majority" of people voted for the crooks who ran NY into a "hellhole." Some people still think there IS a free lunch.
Yes, the 5 boroughs, Albany and Rochester area. We are severely outnumbered. But they know what's best for the rest of NY, just ask them.

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