2 outta 3.Beech, Black Walnut and maybe cottonwood.
2 outta 3.Beech, Black Walnut and maybe cottonwood.
Sorry,all nopes.Red elm, rock elm, box elder, willow, sumac, ironwood
1 outta 4 Mike. Chestnut oak.Pin Oak, Chestnut Oak, Black Oak, Honey Locust
Still under the weather Feel odd, stom acn has a weak steady pain. M ay be constipation . I 'll take a pill for thay
ballance is shot, I bounce off walls when I got up.
Not betterer by morni ng I go to the clinic
Sure looks beautiful up there.Lots of snow here still. Ended up getting the snowmobile stuck several times near the cabin where nobody had ridden all winter.
My woodpile stacks look good. Almost full too.
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Got out while we are still able to get out and cut a heap of firewood with my brother in law for his household and my parents as well. I figure it’s going to be important for them to keep the house warm this winter (we live in a tropical area so it doesn’t get too crazy) so they don’t pick up any other bugs that might complicate the big bug we are all trying to avoid. My 460 magnum’s first run with a new 25 inch stihl light bar and full chisel chain. My brother in law is a Husky guy and ran his 372xp. They both chewed up a mix of dead red gum, blue gum, and ironbark. One re-sharpen on each saw for this whole lot, two tanks of fuel each. It certainly helps when there is no bark to hold dirt and blunt your chain.
Heck yeah, that husky is sweet!Now that's the stuff. Whereabouts are you, mate? Near QLD/NSW border, inland a bit - guessing from the trees?
Now that's the stuff. Whereabouts are you, mate? Near QLD/NSW border, inland a bit - guessing from the trees?