Day 1 of being out and about...turned out to be for shopping and doc appointments only. 3 stops at the pharmacy to sort out meds, Doc for a appointmeent. Wal Mart - failure as nothing I wanted there, Winco for a $30 tab of staples. Killedd the whole morning and an hour of driving. I was glad to have the shopping cart to lean on by teh time I got to the check out stand at Winco. Legs said I need just a wee bit more recovery.
Tomorrow is chain sharp day and MAYBE process teh last load of locust limbs I hualed in. Should be about an hours work with the limbwood jig, cut/stack.
It is rather weird wandering around with a bunch of stuff hanging off my jugular vein. Gotta get that covered up so I can at least take a shower. Neighbor supposed to stop in and applay a waterproof cover this evening...too bad I can't convince her to wash my back
