Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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^^^^^^^ Used by guys that do post and beam buildings. Never saw one in use.
I wonder how long before that riving knife (is it still called that if not behind a saw bade?) comes off so they can plunge to start through mortises. I guess that's what a chainsaw is for though.
I follow a shipwright on YT doing a full rebuild on an old boat. He is rough cutting big slabs all the time but has a frame built for his chainsaw. This circular saw option might work for him but the riving knife might screw it up for him on the concave curves.
Was feeling a little grumpy from sitting around. After dinner I went out and cut limbs off our roadway with the manual pole saw. Got about a third of the 3/4 mile roadway done on both sides. I had started this project last year and this is the second time through so things are starting to look good. I think I mentioned our road is mostly seasonal retirees and the other guy my age never helps out. Of course since I’m a scrounger I don’t mind the lack of competition when it comes to taking the better wood. And frankly I don’t mind the extra work as I take pride in the project and secondly I do a damn good job IMO. Also it keeps brush from hitting my plow truck.
Couple questions. What bolt do you use the spark plug to replace? Do you sharpen old steel bits? I have about 20 pounds of them, maybe more. My friend gave me his dads old industrial drill press, and all of his bits. I think he had about ten, of what I thought were an odd size, that look new. They are some thing like 31/64, just under half inch. If I get ambishish, I can empty my scrap bucket and fill a pre paid box with bits. I was thinking they maybe good for someone forging. I’ll have to ask Uncle Stash?

I’m sharpened before but I bet I’m always successful 25% of the time maybe. It’s hard to do right. But i did it by hand on a belt sander.

There’s a company in town here that sharpens them but the cost is high.

Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
Well , signs work !



That's the VW that I had to drive around the other weekend .
It got harder as I worked down to the bigger rounds. One round took 40 hits to halve. I went mad dog on it with two lots of 20 hits in a flurry, as hard and fast as I could before I needed a breather. Sure, I could have noodled them but sometimes the red mist comes down and I swear I will bash it to death before I quit. Does that happen to anyone else or is it just me?


After 8 or so blows I'll re-assess and try another line. if that doesn't work then the 8lb stihl pro maul is fetched from the back of the garage....the 'Persuader' will often work where the fiskars won't. It doesn' alwys, and some times noodling is the wy forward. I don't like resorting to noodles, but there is a time and a place :D
Download speeds are restricted here now that every man and his dogs are online. @dancan, I've had to block the download of your images because while I'm sure they are as great as always, the file sizes are so large it's the only way I can get the page to load before the end of the current lockdown. It's most likely just our banana republic network providers throttling speeds to mask their abysmal lack of capex. Anyone else having trouble or just me down here ?