Cut Split Stack Burn
Well boys, I’ve been working insane hours to cover everything at the dealership. I get paid on net profit so if they’re not making money, the boss isn’t paying me. With this corona crap hitting, work slowed down a LOT! I had to lay off a ton of great guys and then cover every position possible. I’ve done everything from lot boy, custodian, mechanic, advisor and dispatcher the last three weeks. Then I come home, hang with the family till they got to bed then jump on all the paperwork I usually do during the day. Been so busy and miserable haven’t even thought about this site. But then talking to my pops tonight, he reminded me “your wife’s healthy, your kids healthy, got food on the table, running water, electricity.... your doing better than half the world, get over it”. So ehhhh, I’ll get over it. Got some cool pictures from my Cuz Jenny today. This is Mustangs pops in a few of them
added a few others just for kicks, how have y’all been?

added a few others just for kicks, how have y’all been?