Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Wouldn't have a clue what depth my rakers are. Cheap digital angle finder to set a consistent angle works for me.
Once a chain is where it needs to be for a specific saw it's nice to simply touch the edge up with a file and to knock the rakers down without a gauge and very fast, then all you have to do is to straighten them out when you rock them or hit metal with the grinder.

That notch you posted earlier looked pretty wild. I find the best way to deal with a leaner if you can't drop them just off the lay is by pulling them 180 to their lean or using a rope or cable/skidder to hold the tree with a consistent length(like a single guy wire) and then dropping them at 90 degrees to the lean which is pretty easy, nut your calculations need to be on if you're using something like my little Kubota or you'll flip it or drag it easily :surprised3:.
Simple way to measure is with a straight edge and some automotive feeler gauges.

Optional way is with a fancy micrometer / caliper / or cheap ($7) tire depth gauge off of eBay. attachment 821040

Why measure?
- Sometimes it is diagnositc, to let someone know why their chain is behaving a certain way ('Specs say 0.025" and yours are more like 0.042"!')
- Similar, but to explain the concept of 'consistency' ('Yours ranged from 0.017" to 0.035"!')
- To copy /replicate settings that you really like ('0.029 works really well for me in this wood').

Great post!

I'd like one of those, I've avoided buying one so I didn't support, well everyone knows by now... I should make an adapter for my German made vernier caliper bought at Aldi :).Maybe there's one made with German components for cheaper than $80 like the ones I know of :baba:.

('Specs say 0.025" and yours are more like 0.042"!'),
Perfect, the chain is worn 3/4 and were cutting softwood :rock:.
Once a chain is where it needs to be for a specific saw it's nice to simply touch the edge up with a file and to knock the rakers down without a gauge and very fast, then all you have to do is to straighten them out when you rock them or hit metal with the grinder.

That notch you posted earlier looked pretty wild. I find the best way to deal with a leaner if you can't drop them just off the lay is by pulling them 180 to their lean or using a rope or cable/skidder to hold the tree with a consistent length(like a single guy wire) and then dropping them at 90 degrees to the lean which is pretty easy, nut your calculations need to be on if you're using something like my little Kubota or you'll flip it or drag it easily :surprised3:.
Saw, wood, felling or bucking all impact my raker depths(the angle typically varies between 5 and 9 degrees )which get touched up in-field, done by feel, until (not if - unless felling plantation stuff) chains hit something then swapped for freshly ground and put in the to-grind pile.

My 76hp, 4WD wedge is 150kms away, along with winch and all rigging :-( Whilst I haven't done so yet I did look into buying about 600' of dyneema rope so it is strong and lightweight, but I can cut it if looks like said wedge is gonna be slingshotted across a gully, and it's super easy to end-to-end splice in the field afterwards. But darn that stuff ain't cheap. Got a mate flying choppers and they retire their dyneema lines which he grabs every now and then, but he always seems to find a use for them. But I think he wants to use Kermit so maybe a deal can be struck...
Thanks Nate.
They all seem to be doing well, but from what I've seen until you get over the threshold with this crap it seems you just can't be sure, he's about a week into it. Another good friends BIL was just released from the hospital last week, he was on oxygen for 10 days(no vent thank God), then he was off the airand sent home a day later. Kinda crazy sounding, but that can be how it is with asthma too, one day you're in intensive care and the next your going home. I know very little about the disease, but it isn't something I'm wanting to try I can tell you that much!

We've been getting a lot of the mess around here cleaned up, and organized/re-organized :baba:. Ready to start filling the area around the shed(not the woodshed) with more gravel/sand, that will keep me busy for a while. I need to pull the front porch off the shed and the uprights that partially support the porch roof. Then I will move the shed once I get the ground a little higher and raise it up about a 1-1.5', then I need to rebuild the deck and set the large support uprights on top of the deck so they don't rot anymore. I'll be setting everything on black locust logs for the main pillars into the ground, they won't rot :). I need to clean out the area behind the shed and drop a red oak that's leaning and already compromised from the storm last fall before moving the shed. It will need to be tied off to another tree so it doesn't bounce into the shed since it has a large sweep in it and it could wipe out the back side of the shed since I have no way to drop it so it lands flat, better safe than sorry.
What will you be using the boards for.
My kids liked your visitors. I had three of them laying about 30" from my large dwindling wood pile when I went out there to grab a few pieces before going to bed. I shown the streamlight over there and they were all curious, stood up and were all checking me out. They were one pop from being dinner :sweet:.
Yeah it’s pretty crazy stuff, some people seem to deal with it fine and others not so much. Very thankful it hasn’t been too bad here so far.
The boards are for a chicken coop our son and daughter in-law want to build. Beginning of their farm they want. And fresh eggs for us :sweet:
Sounds like you have quite a bit to keep you busy there. Pretty nice you have close access to the wood there.
Stay safe and healthy :cheers:
May have been E.botryoides. Is a blue gum like Saligna, really hard to tell them apart but the grain is more interlocked than Saligna.

e.globulus is the blue gum we have around here, has a particularly long leaf as a mature tree but the juvenile foliage is blue/grey and small round leaves. This one is half dry and the hardness increases dramatically as it dries compared to other local species. The big blue gum from the other week was wet as a fish's underpants which may have helped.
My local wood guy contact from last week called this afternoon, 'I;ve got some pear, ash and holly if you want it?' 30 minutes later he pulls on the drive and unloads while I'm on a work video call. When finished on the call I pop out to see. I'd be a bit embarrassed to post a photo of the scrounge.....its 10 sticks about 30" long ranging from 3" to 8" diameter....won't keep the fire going long. However if he is calling and bothering to drop a few sticks like that, which surely could have sat on his truck fine, I feel confident I'll be getting more....a lot more
And that was before Subaru had the stigma up here of being only something lesbians drive.
AND Hippies!

Not sure how these rumors get started, but likely by other car manufacturers finding it hard to compete fairly.

Hard for some to remember 'way back then'; but Subaru was one of the first affordable cars available in the US with front wheel drive, and with 4-wheel / 'all -wheel' drive. Not as well known as the Toyotas and Datsuns ('Nissans') in the 70's, and before Hondas had become mainstream as a family automobile (they had their shoebox cars and motorcycles). So Subarus became very popular in mountain states like Vermont and Colorado, where maybe a lot of those stereotypes lived? The all-wheel drive wagons caught on pretty quick with outdoorsy types, looking for something other than a Jeep or pickup truck, especially with young families. A VW replacement for the Hippies. Popularity expanded along with that of four-wheel drive and Japanese reliability, especially, being lower priced than some of the Toyotas and Hondas. Probably where Kia and Hyundai are today.

Those old Subaru’s were bullet proof.

My auto shop teacher was a really cool guy. He was only a few years from retirement (well his first one anyhow) when I had him. He had an OLD Subaru from when he was first employed. He said he never once changed the oil on it just to see how long it would last. The car was completely rusted out so the pulled the engine so the class could pull it apart. I think it had 240k miles, hadn’t seen an oil change in 140k miles and the inside of the engine looked like new.
Not worried about matching the factory grind. I don't worry about wearing out files, so long as the stuff can be hand-filed with a reasonable amount of effort. They were $14.04 for 72dl and 16.38 for 84dl, or $0.195/ tooth. Buy a few chains and pack that Honda full of really good smoked hams and bacon to make it worth the trip.
That’s a good deal.
Sorry to hear about your friend Brett, will be praying he has a quick recovery.
Started splitting up and loading some more wood for my buddies shop. Will be glad when the snow and ice melts so I can clean this mess upView attachment 820958Have one more small piece to mill then we will be done with this treeView attachment 820959Had some guest stop by for dinner last night that weren’t practicing social distancing :omg:View attachment 820960
Never mind the deer, check out the bread!
Meanwhile , somewhere in Australia wild sheep roam in stealth looking for something to kill , took 7 years to catch this one .

Looks like he has a long handled Husqvarna felling lever on the right lol
We drove the proverbial “golden spike” on the roadway trimming project tonight. Completed the last 200’ in about 20 minutes.

Now we just need to do one more round of brushing smaller trees growing in the shoulder and we’ll be ready to bring in the mini-ex and start digging rocks.

In the first pic you can see where the grader was able to reach before we started brushing the shoulders last fall.
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Found this video this morning and took the time to watch it. For a novice it is a great watch. Kind of long but the guys do a great job explaining all the cuts. Worth the watch.

That was one of the vids I found
We drove the proverbial “golden spike” on the roadway trimming project tonight. Completed the last 200’ in about 20 minutes.

Now we just need to do one more round of brushing smaller trees growing in the shoulder and we’ll be ready to bring in the mini-ex and start digging rocks.

In the first pic you can see where the grader was able to reach before we started brushing the shoulders last fall.
View attachment 821103View attachment 821105View attachment 821106
That's a lot of work, looks real nice.
Did you boy were out the crocs.
I may have been involved with turning a few of those JDM motors into shrapnel over the years. Could pick up B18C and B18R long blocks for 6 to 8 hundred back then. The 2 more door civic had a stock B18C long block that turned 10k and swallowed 18psi for better then a year before the rings started going. Killed one on nitrous before that, broken ring lands and the first turbo motors rods left extra inspection ports in the block do to a tuning error :blob2:.
I don't doubt that, 18psi must have been fun, that's better than double the displacement calculated :rock:.
I wouldn't mind putting a blue top in the oddy, but I'm not really into it until I have a barn built.
Did you epoxy some Plexiglas-glass over the inspections holes lol.
We went to the cemetery today to visit my dad and grandparents. As with most townships they must be low on $$ as 3/4 of the white pines in the cemetery are dead or in decline yet they don’t seem to be doing anything about them.

The biggest, healthiest tree in the place is right next to our plot. Ours is the one to the left of the tree, in the sun with the veteran star. I think it’s the largest diameter white pine I’ve seen, well beyond 4’


I had a chuckle, across the road from the cemetery, someone turned a bunch of small stumps into a fairy town.