Thanks Nate.
They all seem to be doing well, but from what I've seen until you get over the threshold with this crap it seems you just can't be sure, he's about a week into it. Another good friends BIL was just released from the hospital last week, he was on oxygen for 10 days(no vent thank God), then he was off the airand sent home a day later. Kinda crazy sounding, but that can be how it is with asthma too, one day you're in intensive care and the next your going home. I know very little about the disease, but it isn't something I'm wanting to try I can tell you that much!
We've been getting a lot of the mess around here cleaned up, and organized/re-organized

. Ready to start filling the area around the shed(not the woodshed) with more gravel/sand, that will keep me busy for a while. I need to pull the front porch off the shed and the uprights that partially support the porch roof. Then I will move the shed once I get the ground a little higher and raise it up about a 1-1.5', then I need to rebuild the deck and set the large support uprights on top of the deck so they don't rot anymore. I'll be setting everything on black locust logs for the main pillars into the ground, they won't rot

. I need to clean out the area behind the shed and drop a red oak that's leaning and already compromised from the storm last fall before moving the shed. It will need to be tied off to another tree so it doesn't bounce into the shed since it has a large sweep in it and it could wipe out the back side of the shed since I have no way to drop it so it lands flat, better safe than sorry.
What will you be using the boards for.
My kids liked your visitors. I had three of them laying about 30" from my large dwindling wood pile when I went out there to grab a few pieces before going to bed. I shown the streamlight over there and they were all curious, stood up and were all checking me out. They were one pop from being dinner
