You gonna be alright lol.Dropped a few maples, alder and birch. Tough work moving them around as you can see...View attachment 822034View attachment 822035
Dropped a few maples, alder and birch. Tough work moving them around as you can see...
Yeah, no kidding. Pace yourself...You gonna be alright lol.
That's sweet, so I can call to get advice when I'm ready to step up my YouTube gameIt’s my brothers. He flys a big one for part of his jobs, surveying and cell tower inspections. Their pretty cool.
Yeah for sureYeah, no kidding. Pace yourself...
It works well, While I like my 70cc saws I can see myself needing to go to a ported 60 down the rd with the easy start, but for know I can still start a 90cc without the decomp if neededMy 193 has an easy stole a 192 one to put on it. Love that system. I had a 192 with it, very nice running/starting top handle.
The ethanol free I run is 93(iirc), but if they had 89 I'd run it even in my ported saws without worry.100LL is avtag, aviation fuel is given a RON via a different scale...there is RON, RON, RON...oh som many! 100LL is about the same as UK auto regular pump fuel at 95RON, US RON IIRC you 87 is slightly
Ok this is confusing...conversations on bar oil at the same time as 2-stroke oil!?
I win for smelly bar oil after I mixed a half gallon of hypoid ep80 gear oil I found when cleaning out dad's garage, in with a half gsllon of stihl synth I had. I'd forgotten quite how eggy hypoid gear oil stinks.
as for 2 stroke, I use decent stuff and mix a little strong. I was slowly using a litre of stihl green ....the ms180 is frugal so it was slow use. Then I bought the 365 and husky say use their performance oil at 50/1 or anything else at 30/1. Although i strongly suspect green is as good or better thsn xp I couldn't find the spec that xp complies to I didn't wish to go as rich as 30/1, nor to have 2 sets of mix so I bought a litre of husky xp, and mix half half with stihl green at 40/1.
I get it for sure, gotta do what works for youThanks bro. yeah, I've had this gallon for a while, LOL. she's getting low, so I'll be replacing it soon. I'll look into that maxima for sure.
I only run 100LL, because I've been burned too many times by gas going bad using ethanol laced, garbage pump gas. Since switching to 100LL, I've never had to worry about gas going bad.
I just bought 25 gallons recently, so I should be set for at least a year. LOL
see, everyone. That's what you all should be doing with some of 'em.My father-in law wanted to go this route instead.
One of these days we might actually get a fireplace. There are little pockets of firewood dotted all over the property. Strategic prepping - scatter it everywhere so if the zombie hordes attack they won't be able to find it all.There was a lot more in that mystery meat acacia gum tree than there looked in the initial pic!
I cut down a few ash trees last fall that I was going to turnn into firewood. My father-in law wanted to go this route instead. I dropped off 7 logs on Monday and these 4 this morning.
It's been six months. Not ideal, but they will be fine. Emerald ash borer got to them, but most of the damage was in the tops.Good to see some lumber photos. Was it solid enough after a year? No Powder Post Beetles?
In MD all of the outdoors businesses have been working all along. Three of my neighbors got new roofs in the past two weeks. The day after the essential personnel order was givin, I had to go to the grocery store and bank. I saw a county sheriff and asked if I could mow my clinic? The clinic is definitely essential. He said I could mow all of my lawns. Just don’t initiate contact. If the client came out keep my distance, leave the window open on the truck, and tell them to drop the check on the seat. So, it’s been pretty much business as usual, just using common sense, and extra care.Soon as I heard that I thought of you.
Lots of landscapers were out today, everyone needs to bring in some cash!