hmmm, a suggestion:
If they do install panels on your house, they are required, by law, to install an auto-disconnect in the event of a grid outage.
When that happens, you're SOL for power (and back to the genny). I don't suggest this lightly but here goes: Why not install
your own system (off-grid) with a battery bank to capture the sun's juice. This way, brown-out, black-out, spikes; you'll have clean
power regardless of grid-state. Now, having said that, this type of system's not for the faint-o-heart, nor will it power your
whole house but can take care of the critical loads, e.g., fridge, lighting, sat system, other comms. I did this just before Wilma hit
us and my neighbors were freaked out. I'm only saving 10 bucks a month but I've got guaranteed power in the event...
My startup cost was about 9K doing all myself. The battery bank (2K) will be replaced every 5 years or so.