Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Replaced mine with that Oregon 83-014, MTD 723-0405. 10micron rating.

I need to replace mine. It hasn’t been done in forever, and no numbers are visible on it. I’ll try looking it up by make and model of splitter.
Making room to widen the road?
Mostly just getting them out of the road.
The 3/4 mile long road had a number of rocks protruding along the edges which makes both grading and plowing a challenge. We rented the mini excavator to dig out what we could. There are still a few big ones but the vast majority are now gone. We also graded, busted a bunch of older stumps, and cleared out around culverts.
Mostly just getting them out of the road.

The last time at our mountain place I used the loader to push rocks out of the ground, in a part of the turn around loop I haven’t been using because of a hole where I removed a tree stump. I somewhat smoothed out the hole, and removed two rocks. Also loosened and pushed up a bigger rock that only the very top of was sticking above the ground, that rock was on the uphill side of the now removed tree.

Before pic.
How long are those splits and what are they going in please? Here, it seems about 12" long is standard (or at least a safe/versatile size) for household fireplaces. We don't see many outside wood boilers.

I cut 18”, but they probably vary from 17” to 19”. We burn them in a wood stove inside the house. We don’t use our fireplace anymore, it can hold a 24” log. I’ve heard of some that need 12” cut lengths, but not many at all. My uncle and I used to sell about 25 cord per year. The 18”worked for most people, some in the foothills wanted 14” to 15”. I haven’t heard of an outdoor wood boiler in California.
I think I better either find a # on my filter, or bring the darn thing to the store with me!
Mike call Speeco and ask what micron yours need. Then go to Napa.I couldn't find that info online for you splitter. Mine is a 25 ton and is different than yours. I went to tractor supply and the guy didn't have a clue. He wanted to sell me "the filter they have been selling for years". Couldn;t give me any specs on the filter he had. :dumb:
I cut 18”, but they probably vary from 17” to 19”. We burn them in a wood stove inside the house. We don’t use our fireplace anymore, it can hold a 24” log. I’ve heard of some that need 12” cut lengths, but not many at all. My uncle and I used to sell about 25 cord per year. The 18”worked for most people, some in the foothills wanted 14” to 15”. I haven’t heard of an outdoor wood boiler in California.
My old stove, we had for 30 years, was a Russo insert. The fire box was almost square. I think it was 22x22. Loading from the front to back I could pack it solid and get 12 hour burns. When I retired my wife decided we needed a new stove, and picked a Jotul insert. It’s flush with the fireplace, the Russo stuck out far enough to put a pot of soup on it. The jotul will take wood to 25 inches, but is only 13 inches deep. So, I have to stack the wood left to right. I can only get 4-5 hour burns on the new stove. Always cut my wood to 18 inches. I sell a few cord also, and 18 works for every one.
The last time at our mountain place I used the loader to push rocks out of the ground, in a part of the turn around loop I haven’t been using because of a hole where I removed a tree stump. I somewhat smoothed out the hole, and removed two rocks. Also loosened and pushed up a bigger rock that only the very top of was sticking above the ground, that rock was on the uphill side of the now removed tree.

Before pic.
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Yeah the exposed part of the rock can be misleading for sure! The rock might be the size of a basketball and it might be the size of a car!

Any rock we got to wiggle we were able to get out of the ground anyhow. And a handful of the bigger ones did have some pieces break off so we were able to get them down to level.

We also had a couple spots where one rock was protruding and there ended up being 6 plus rocks that had to come out! The last rock I planned to do before lunch took close to an hour when it was all said and done because we kept finding more!

Then of course you need to fill in the void. The push blade on the ex sure is helpful in that regard though.

Next year we are going to be adding gravel to the entire road. So all of our legwork this year is prep for a better finished project.
When rocks are very large and a little bit protruding sometimes a 16 - 20 lb sledge hammer is the best way to go. Always wear eye protection, gloves, boots, long sleeves and long paints. Sharp pieces of busted rock will cut you. Also, wear your felling helmet with the face screen down. Unprotected skin areas will often get bloody.
When rocks are very large and a little bit protruding sometimes a 16 - 20 lb sledge hammer is the best way to go. Always wear eye protection, gloves, boots, long sleeves and long paints. Sharp pieces of busted rock will cut you. Also, wear your felling helmet with the face screen down. Unprotected skin areas will often get bloody.
I have done that as well!
When rocks are very large and a little bit protruding sometimes a 16 - 20 lb sledge hammer is the best way to go. Always wear eye protection, gloves, boots, long sleeves and long paints. Sharp pieces of busted rock will cut you. Also, wear your felling helmet with the face screen down. Unprotected skin areas will often get bloody.
I had a rock about the size of a dinner plate, the mower went over it fine. I got home one night and my wife said that rock bugged her, so she dug it up, sort of. She borrowed our neighbors digging bar and could wiggle it. Since she could wiggle it. I could finish it easy peasy. RIGHT! I jammed the bar under it and pushed down, bent his bar in half. I dug it up. Turned out to be the same size as my John Deere 214. We just had the drive paved and decided we wanted it in the flower garden on the other side. One end tapered down to where I could drill a hole through it with a 1/2 by 24" masonry bit. Ran a long bolt through it, put plywood on the drive, and drug it across the yard with my Dad's 72 C30 12' flat bed. It's still in the garden, the bolt bent enough that it's still in the "Little Rock".
When all this Covid started, I think there was a post over on O/T, but I cant find it, so I'll post the update here.When the nursing home my daughter works at got their first case, they drew straws to see who got to work with the Covid patients. She drew the lucky straw. She's been stressed out that she might be a carrier. She's a very stable person and she said she's been overly emotional, crying in the middle of the day, and wanting to push the old folks down the stairs in their wheel chairs. She got her test yesterday and is negative! So, maybe the emotional stuff is related to something else? My wife is hoping it's a Honey Bun, in the oven, will know soon.

We have an elderly friend that has been real sick for 6 months or better. They rushed him to the hospital and said he would not make it through the night. Gave him last rights. Six months ago. He's been in a nursing home, and on death watch, since then. About 3 weeks ago he coughed 4 times one day, and had a low grade fever. The next day his fever went up to 104, and he tested positive. The next day he was basically back to normal. They tested again after 2 weeks and he was negative, then tested again yesterday and was still negative. This stuff sure hits different folks different. I still wonder how many people had it a month before the stuff hit the fan, and just thought it was a bad cold or flew?
Joe, I thought that might be wild azalea, but I didn't say anything. I have two on my prorperty. Used to be three, but my wife wanted to move one to our house. Her green thumb failed her. They flowered a couple weeks ago; is your season that much later than ours? That is one of the reasons I didn't say anything; timing is everything, you know.
Joe, I thought that might be wild azalea, but I didn't say anything. I have two on my prorperty. Used to be three, but my wife wanted to move one to our house. Her green thumb failed her. They flowered a couple weeks ago; is your season that much later than ours? That is one of the reasons I didn't say anything; timing is everything, you know.
I think the buds may have started to pop open that long ago. I've been surprised they have been in bloom this long. Maybe because I'm stuck at home I'm just around them more. The stuff I've read say they make good garden plants, but I'd never try and transplant one of these, they are too big. I've been thinking of doing the old Azalea trick of putting some peat moss around a stem and then wrapping it with a piece of nylon stocking, when the roots start to show through the stoking, clip the stem off and plant it. The other method is if you have a limb low enough to the ground put a rotten chunk of wood on it and it will root to the ground. When you take the wood off and tug on it, and you can see roots holding to the ground, clip and plant. These are pretty slow growing. The ones I took pictures of were waist high 30 years ago. I'm going down in the bottom corner of my lot, that's where there used to be a bunch of them. I think I checked years ago and they were all gone.