Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Basically it’s a balancing act to string along as many customers as possible.

Yes, but some do it better than others.

He nearly got stuck spreading one load as the shoulder was very muddy. Glad I didn’t have to try and pull him out.

A semi? Or smaller? My loader would pull a semi out, but I don have anything else I would try it with. Would break something.
I've killed it!

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Sitting at home waiting for the gravel guy to show to bring gravel for the road association
. He was supposed to come yesterday and cancelled after he was supposed to be here. He’s running two hours late today. I’ve had to take two afternoons off to take care of this.

Unfortunately it always happens this way with contractors.
Do the same with his payment?

It has washed out the road every year since the original owner built that place.

That‘s a clue a culvert is needed.

The Forest Road to our undisclosed location has a stream crossing about three miles down that has run over the road the last three winters/springs, not this year though. During high runoff a lot of sand comes down with the water and plugs the culvert, not that much runoff this year. I’m not sure if it has cleared on its own, or the Forest Service has cleared it. I’ve told them about it and they seem surprised. Needs a bigger culvert pipe.
I put in what I thought was the equivalent of a typical load of wood. It cooled the stove off significantly at first then after a bit (I wasn't watching closely enough) with the air fully open it became incandescent. I only did it like that once! However, adding a little bit at a time works well.

Another thing I have done WRT burning down coals is to spread the coal bed out evenly then put two large V shaped splits in with the pointy bit downwards (sometimes leaning against each other to keep them upright) so there is minimum coverage of the coals and still a strong draw of air. By the time those bits have become coals themselves, most of the other coals have gone.
Sounds exciting :crazy2::lol:.
When I first got the stove I loaded it full of box elder, it was a little wet, but by the time it got going it wouldn't stop, I didn't know what to do I was pretty concerned. Since then I've had it way hotter with no worries, and other times hotter than that with a bit of concern :yes:.

I like to put a large flat piece over the top of the coals, I have air that comes in on the front bottom and it will blow right on the coals, works well, but many times I have to do it a few times which can take a bit of time.
That's amazing. Serious skill. I'd love to be able to make things like that - or even half as good - but I can only do destruction, not construction (at the moment). I have been thinking about taking some woodworking classes to try to become a bit less useless in that area, might have to get a bit more serious about it.
Isn't it. I'd enjoy making some wood projects, but I also would like to get setup for metal fab, I really enjoy that.
My parents have a nice setup in their basement, it's always clean though lol.
I was happy to send a few logs down the rd yesterday so something other than firewood could be made out of them :).
Funny. We’re having gates and fence replaced on the south side of the house, originally supposed to have been done Friday & Saturday. Then on Wednesday he asks if they can come Thursday & Friday instead, yeah sure. Supposed to have been here between 7 & 8:30 Thursday morning, didn't get here until 1:30. Called at 9:00 to tell me they’d be here at 12:30. I didn’t hear the phone, and he didn’t leave a message. Friday they got more done, no showed Saturday. Sunday off. More done yesterday, but still not finished. Not sure if they’ll be here today, waiting for the gates to be built. Wouldn’t give me a show up time for today, yesterday. I called a while ago to find out what’s going on. Frustrating people. At first I thought “great”, it’ll only take two days, then I can go to our mountain place and do more with the trees and brush. Here we are on six days.
I'm patiently waiting for the Gates to be taken down ;).
Hope you get all your gates and fences up though.
I'm patiently waiting for the Gates to be taken down ;).
Hope you get all your gates and fences up though.

He said if it wasn’t today it would be tomorrow, I have no confidence in what they say though.

We have a puppy we need to contain, it wouldn’t be safe for him if he got out.
I normally load up my little wood trailer, but with my plans to drag a bunch of logs to a spot in the woods first, I only take the tractor, chains, and a saw.
When I use the Jubilee (no bucket) for a day of dragging logs I load up all the needed items (saws, chains, oil, gas, wedges, PPE, lunch, etc... on the woods trailer and take it out to a convenient spot in the woods. May move it a time or two during the day. Sometimes the extra trip at the end of the day when I'm beat to retrieve the trailer is a PITA but it beats trying to make do without all the gear.
When I use the Jubilee (no bucket) for a day of dragging logs I load up all the needed items (saws, chains, oil, gas, wedges, PPE, lunch, etc... on the woods trailer and take it out to a convenient spot in the woods. May move it a time or two during the day. Sometimes the extra trip at the end of the day when I'm beat to retrieve the trailer is a PITA but it beats trying to make do without all the gear.

That might be the best bet.

Thanks for the input!
That‘s a clue a culvert is needed.
Yep, but when it floods the road and becomes someone else’s problem, I guess he considered the problem to be solved (shrug).

Now it will pool up on his driveway instead and when it drains it will drain across his driveway.
Yesterday, I drove by the log yard. There was some W. oak that I needed to fill a rack so i went back and got my gear. Got some other goodies, Honey Locus and Hedge. All hardwoods :) . Had to empty truck and trailer before dinner because of the weight. Left the large 4'Hedge on the trailer overnight. I used a cheap HF winch attached to the tongue to get it on the tilt trailer. Might have to use it again to get it off the trailer. Run the cable under the trailer and pull from behind. I plan on using some of the Hedge for outside benches, etc. That's why I left it whole.
Yesterday, I cut down a quite big hard maple,


and a red oak,


along with a few others... The maple was a SOB to get down and is a good stick, for firewood,


I really need to put a 24" bar on my 562xp! Anyway, the oak does have a couple 8' 6" saw logs in it,


I have more damaged trees to cut out as I get to them, but maybe not this spring though as the heat is on it's way here...

Yep, but when it floods the road and becomes someone else’s problem, I guess he considered the problem to be solved (shrug).

Sounds like he’s telling you that you can’t do something with the main access road that everyone’s driveway takes off of, how does he have the authority to do that? I would think the main road is none of his business. Do you have an easement, or right of way in the deed? If so, you have the right to maintain it.
Sounds like he’s telling you that you can’t do something with the main access road that everyone’s driveway takes off of, how does he have the authority to do that? I would think the main road is none of his business. Do you have an easement, or right of way in the deed? If so, you have the right to maintain it.
I totally understand what you are saying (and agree with you). His supposed concern was that we would impact his driveway by putting in the culvert and he needs every inch of it for backing trailers into the area to the right of the picture (although in reality he did not as I could clearly see where the vehicles had been driving into said area and they were nowhere near the area we wanted to work on). Secondly, I was not the person who asked him for permission to put it in so it is very possible that my other neighbor did not adequately/accurately relay our requested plan. But knowing that he had been hesitant to allow work along his section of the road in the past is what compelled me to move on to "Plan B" of raising the road versus trying to convince him that we need a culvert. It is a bit frustrating as he and his father needed variances in the past and none of the neighbors objected to them, but something as simple as a culvert installed at no charge to him was an issue.

Secondly, if we had pushed the agenda it could certainly have caused ill will, especially towards me because everyone knows I am the spark plug/driving force to keep road improvements going. Since everyone on the road gets along (which is tough thing to achieve with 13 landowners) it is better left that way. In the past a couple of our neighbors have taken (frivolous) legal action against each other, but all of them are now dead and their places have changed hands. He is a good neighbor in the respect that his family (including two teen boys) are very quiet so (knock on wood) you never need to worry about them causing any issues. Side note-they are very private people (especially his wife), they had lived there for 12 years before I saw his wife face to face and the only reason why I finally met her was because I flagged her down on the road to warn her of a tree that had fallen further up the road. I literally could not have picked her out of a lineup before that.

As a small silver lining, after we decided to raise the road, we discovered the phone line runs right through the culvert area so that would have been a rude awakening to sever. Anyone know how much it costs to fix a line? We had no idea there were any lines in the area. I guess it pays to call gopher state so they mark the lines, plus their service is free!