Went for a jog this afternoon with my favourite daughter, was a beautiful arvo for a run down along the river.
The old man has found a new scrounge location.

These are fire damaged trees or condemned trees that the local authorities salvaged. Trunks only, all eucalypt hardwood and as you can see, all straight as you like (some partly singed). They have laid them all out on an area about the size of a football field and opened it up to anyone who wants to scrounge. Only about 15km from my parents' place. I'd be out there every day.
The old man has found a new scrounge location.

These are fire damaged trees or condemned trees that the local authorities salvaged. Trunks only, all eucalypt hardwood and as you can see, all straight as you like (some partly singed). They have laid them all out on an area about the size of a football field and opened it up to anyone who wants to scrounge. Only about 15km from my parents' place. I'd be out there every day.