Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I have a parts collecting problem... if I see good OEM 254 parts come up for sale, I feel the need to buy them. Today's example was a NOS OEM 254xp piston kit on FB. $100 shipped. So tempting...
So did you get it :innocent:.

Nice logs!!

I have some big honey locust I want to fell, and make into boards to redo the deck on my front porch. Hoping to borrow my buddy's chainsaw mill with his 066 to make the lumber. Have never used one or made lumber, so I'm kind of excited about it.
Thanks, now the work begins lol
I'm curious to hear how milling that goes, all I can imagine is lots of fuel, and lots of chain sharpening.
My vote is to load it and bring it over, AND bring a BIG saw along in case we need it!! lol

We may have to do some trimming on that butt...

I'm sure it is, there place is another 10 minutes past mine from yours lol.
I can do that, just in case lol.
I'll probably cut the end off to see how far the rot goes before cutting it to length, I'm guessing it goes up in the end a bit. I'd probably roll the small end of the log up the ramp with my tractor, then push it in, my dad likes my tractor left at his place lol.
I should be able to get the butt and at least a few nice sticks of cherry in there, then come back later for the other logs and firewood thats left. Right now is actually a great time to snag it all up as it's still dry, not sure I can get out there before the rain they have scheduled for tomorrow, maybe they will change the schedule lol.
Scored this super clean 359 at a garage sale for $75. this morning! I was the first one there.:numberone:

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Way to be at the ready.
Those are great saws, very underrated.
On the 359, what's the best free flowing aftermarket muffler to replace the stock E-tech one?
I'm not sure which muffler is the best, I prefer the oem without the cat, you should be able to find one for the same price as aftermarket.
Yay! I'm not the only one that likes a bit of Leylandii/leyland cypress. its deffo cypress and I think its leylandii from th nice white wood and he bark. SAAAAAPPPPP CIIIITTTEEHHHH! burns great though, hot. its actually very very dense for a softwood, specific density dry is about 0.55 and it does pretty easily. splits ok-ish. you'll do it all with the fiskars but you'll find the knots a different game to your normal fare i suspect.

It will be interesting, I don't know much about softwood (naturally). I know it is considerably better both for burning and also for certain construction work than most other softwoods and is termite resistant. Never cut and burned it though so it will be good to try it out. The energy density by weight of softwood is higher than hardwood so it should certainly burn well and being almost as dense as the lighter eucalypts is a bonus.

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Wood comes to me these days! delivery from one of my tree guys (Tim). not loads but maybe 1/3cube . bit of Beech (nice) bit of pear and.... @Cowboy254 ??

Leylandii/leyland cypress! :rock:

Do I get a prize?

Ok, I had to look up the acronym but :laugh:
Over the 3 day WE my Brother and I took several Grandkids up, and several others visited while we were there, resulting in a cumulative total (in addition to me and him) of 2 kids and 7 grand kids.

We had a total of 8 spend the night on Sun, and the wood stove was fired up on both Sat and Sun nights as temps went into the 30s following day time temps in the 70s.

We had several future wood splitters in training, and my 5 year old Granddaughter gave us a devilish grin while pretending to drive the ATV with her brother on the back (my Brother is also in the pic).

(You guys post too much, have not yet had time to catch up on this thread!)


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You. Could have filled your trunk with mulberry here.View attachment 831046

Thanks Keith! It was a pleasure to meet you. Have a few home projects around the house to complete and then I can scrounge more.

I typically teach Extended School Year (Summer School) however with virtual learning since COVID, that looks like it’s not going to happen. I make good side money on it too. First time in 10 years I won’t be teaching in the summer.
And speaking of scrounging, anyone scrounge with a half ton?

My scrounge and firewood deliveries are within 10 miles from home. The price difference between F250’s/GM and Chrysler 2500’s and 150/1500’s are pretty big. Daily commute to work is 4.2 miles.

Could “sell” to the wife that we could drive the 4x4 on to the beach and social distance with the family:)
And speaking of scrounging, anyone scrounge with a half ton?

My scrounge and firewood deliveries are within 10 miles from home. The price difference between F250’s/GM and Chrysler 2500’s and 150/1500’s are pretty big. Daily commute to work is 4.2 miles.

Could “sell” to the wife that we could drive the 4x4 on to the beach and social distance with the family:)
I use the F150 for all my wood haulin Ryan. I can put a pile of wood in it. It's the plain Jane work model. No carpet, no lectrik windows. 22 mpg today runnin the interstate. It depends on how nice it has to be for the boss. :innocent:
So did you get it :innocent:.

Thanks, now the work begins lol
I'm curious to hear how milling that goes, all I can imagine is lots of fuel, and lots of chain sharpening.

Nah, I passed for now. With what I've spent on saws in the last 6 months, I need to cool it before I find myself sleeping in the barn with Wilbur the pig. LOL. I want too though! Buy the piston kit that is. Plus, Kevin talked me out of it, as Meteor makes a good piston for a 1/3 of the price.

We shall see if I get to mill those locust or not. They're huge! Biggest I've ever seen. I'll try to get a pic next time I'm in the woods.